What life used to be

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"What are you doing here? It's not safe?" I said worriedly.

"I lost the letter you gave me in a fire, and I needed to visit our old home again." He said, his hand brushed my cheek. "I-It's really you."

A gentle smile appeared on my face and I took his hands in mine "Yes... it's me."

"So, why are you here?" He asked. "Like you said, it's dangerous here."

I lean my forehead on his shoulder and sighed. "It's been a long day... I wanted to remember what home felt like again." I said.

He smiled and picked me up, brushed off the cobwebs, branches, even a few pieces of broken glass off our bed and we lied down next to one another. I nuzzled into his neck as he threw the quilt, which we made together, over us.

"You feeling at home yet?" He asked.

We both cuddled a ton when we were still living together. So this made me feel so much better. I nod and I feel a smile form on his face. It doesn't take long for one to form on mine. The whole argument with Ferlak earlier left an annoyance and bitterness feeling inside. Now I feel all of that angry emotion slowly melt away, like snow on a field.

"Notch, how long has it been since we last did this? Just lied down and cuddled one another? It feels like forever." 

"Agreed...it has been six... maybe seven years by now." I said.

"Hey, I need to ask you something... a bit important." He said.

"Sure dear... what is it?" I ask.

"Where have you been all this time... I was so scared you died from an undead attack, thankfully your safe which praise Notch for... but where were you all this time?" He asked.

My bright smile dims and I looked at him in his soft, loving, brown eyes. A part of me wanted to tell him everything, the corruptor, the Red Legion, everything. But, it would put his, mine, and many more lives at risk. My lord told me one day, he could know, that others could know... but today is not the day. 

I sigh and pull him closer to me. "Um... I live pretty far from here sadly. I wasn't near any big villages, so I was safe." I said. 

He quickly gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Maybe we could do this again? Meet up here and talk, or hang out, or cuddle even. I don't want to louse touch with you again." He asked.

I paused, "I-I can't..." I say. 

He looks at me a bit confused. "Huh? Why not?" 

"Please... don't get me wrong, I miss how our life used to be very much, b-but..." I start to cry.

Yes, I play a dangerous roll, a spy could get hurt, locked up, exposed, and even killed when going into enemy territory. Even if caught and you manage to leave with your life, you failed, and it is hard to gain back 303's trust. It's hard not to fear for your life sometimes. What I wouldn't give so my life could be as care free as it was before. However, the reasons I want my life to go back to normal, are the same reasons I still work for the corruptor. 

He brushes his hand through my hair to comfort me. "You don't have to tell me why, I've known you for long enough. You're smart and do everything for a reason. You have your reasons." 

"Maybe we can write to each other? I don't want to louse touch with you either." I say and kiss him on the forehead.

"I'd like that." He said and I cuddle back into his chest.

"I'll have to have a few rules about all of it... but it's better then nothing." I said.

"Hey.." He said tiredly. I look back at him and see him quickly falling asleep. "I love you." He said falling into a deep slumber. I smile.

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