The stronghold

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//A week later//
(Still Stella's POV:)

I was taken out of my small cell, dragged and tossed inside a room. Normally the spider queen or the mutant vex would be there, but it was just us. I was standing, my arms tied around my back and my legs tied up.

I've learned to stay silent around 303 or pretty much anyone here. No one ever answers me, and besides, the more I ask, the more I get tortured.

"Ah, a fine day for torture. Isn't it?" 303 asked me getting a iron sword out from a chest.

He doesn't use his normal weapon to torture people with. He says "My sword is too good to be used on filthy prisoners" so he always used a separate sword on his prisoners.

I stayed quiet, looking down at the floor.

My body had large cuts and bruises on it, while my maid of honor dress from the wedding was ripped, stained with my blood, and stiff along with my hair. My face was stained with tears, a bit of blood, and smeared makeup. I was then usual and my bright blue eyes were dull and red from crying and the little sleep I got.

"Not talking ey?" He said.

303 put the sword up to my lower leg, swiftly pulling the blade down leaving behind a large, deep cut. I squealed in pain as he did this a few more times to my arms, my legs, and one even on my chest. He kicked me to the ground as I coughed up blood.

Before he could bring down his sword again, there was someone at the doorway.

"Entity... sir, Virgil the scholar wishes to see you." I look to see L standing there.

He groaned in annoyance. "Could it wait? I'm rather busy!"

"It's about the code." She said. "I think you might want to see him sir."

"Gah! Fine!" He groaned putting his sword back in the chest. "Take the prisoner back to her cell."

She bows. "Yes sir." As he walks out. She sighs of relief and she walks over to me, took me by my wrists, cut the ropes at my ankles and we started to walk back to my cell.

As we passed by, other mobs -who were normally very loud and talkative- grew silent when they saw L walk with me.

When we got to my cell, she had me sit down on my cot while she closed the iron door. She walked over, sitting down in front of me. I move a bit away, giving her an angry look while she kept her calm expression.

"What is wrong with you!" I yell angrily. "One minute, you want to help me and humanity, then the next, you sell me out and kidnap me!"

She sighed. "I knew you'd ask something like that..."

L held down the center part of her necklace which looked to be made of charcoal rather then the normal sapphire. Suddenly, I felt a positive and light energy surround us, however I couldn't see anything. She opened her green eyes, looking directly at me.

"H-How did you do that!" I ask.

She chuckled,
"It's an ancient form of magic lost long ago, however, I have little time and can't get into it. I want you to know, that the Frostbourne are trying to find information on the corruptor. They are trying to get you out! Please, hold on a little longer...
My lord wants you to know that people are coming to save you."

"Why does 303 want me to kn-" I said before she put her hand to my mouth and listen.

Her eyes widened as she took out the charcoal from her necklace and I felt the light energy fade away. "Not a word of this to 303. Got it."

I didn't get the chance to respond when she stood up and the Entity walked in with a scholar and a few doctors next to him. L stepped away from me and hung her head.

Two doctors tied me up to a chair and went back to the cart to get these metal staffs with a wood handle in the middle

"That demon girl. Give her the darn medication! Now!" Entity said.

A doctor was walking towards me with a syringe filled of a silver, reflecting liquid while the other doctors had those same staffs ready to use on me.

Using my demon-like looks to my advantage, I growled and made other monster-like sounds and tried to act more hostile. I attempted to bite them since I couldn't use my hands or legs.

"Stun her!" One of the doctors said.

The others activated their staffs which projected a soft blue light and had a similar sound to electricity. Two of them zapped me on both my arms, right were 303 cut. I shrieked in pain which made everyone there cover their ears in pain.

I never stopped fighting, that was until a doctor put a muzzle over my mouth and three doctors held me down. All I could do was try and get them off me. I growled, shook, screamed, but it was no use. The doctor with the syringe got to my neck and injected the serum in me.

My body felt weak, and somehow, powerless. The three doctors walked out of the room while one of them took the muzzle off me before leaving.

L cut the ropes at my wrists and I asked.

"What did they do to me...?" I ask feeling like I was going to pass out from exhaustion any second.

She looked back at 303, she asked with her facial expression if she could tell me. He nodded and grinned as she looked back at me.


They took away your magic abilities."

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