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//A week later//

(Rain's POV:)

We all made it back to the Frostbourne about an three hours ago. Stella and Daryll were putting the horses in their pens, Azura and Patrick were getting the Netherbane in proper housing in the dreadfort, while I was in charge of getting Leon and his stuff back to mine and Stella's room. It took a bit to get the stuff off my horse and I had to take a few trips, but this was my last one.

Oh, Stel and I agreed that we should probably live together, so we can both take care of Leon and everything.

While I was walking down the halls. On the way, I got a few confused looks by fellow knights. Since I was carrying my son, it made sense, after all, kids don't just fall from the sky.

"Hey, Rain the... Dragontamer, right?" A familiar voice said. I turn around to see the leader of the Frostbourne Foot soldiers.

"That's me, you're Hilda right? Hilda the shields maiden?" I ask.

"Yes, you where-...." She stopped. "I'm not going to ask why there is a small child in your arms, but you where on the mission right? The mission to the abandoned stronghold?"

I nod. "I was, why do you ask?"

"Is everyone else back safely? Are the Elytra Squadron captain and the Grandmaster safe?"

"Yes. Everyone is back and fine, Patrick and Azura are at the housing area if you need them." I said.

"Okay, thank you Dragontamer." She said walking off."

Leon babbled something and smiled, I smile back and start walking. "Let's get you home."

I opened the door to my almost empty house. I never really saw the point in or felt like decorating it, until now.

There was a spare room in my house. It was either supposed to be a small bedroom, or a big closet, either way, it would work as a nursery for Leon. It was already painted a nice green color and had a window.

I started assembling the crib and changing table, as my son played with his stuffed bear.

After I was done, I picked him up and walked to the kitchen to make a bottle for him. I didn't know why, but I got the strange feeling like I was being watched. However, I brushed off the feeling and got the bottle, sat on the couch, and fed my son the bottle.

When he was done and I burped him, he slowly succumb to sleep. I smile and get up, walked to his room, kissed him on the forehead, put him in his crib and turned off the lights before leaving the room.

I lied down on the couch to take a nap and was about to fall asleep when a worried Azura bursted through the door, nearly breaking it down.

"Rain!" She shouted. She was in her wing suit, which was still under repair from that attack.

"Y-Yeah? What's wrong, is it an attack?" I asked a bit startled.

"No, not an attack, but, you know where Daryll is!" She asked worried.

I shook my head. "No? I assumed he went back to his house, or was with you?"

"Shoot! That darn bandit!"

"What did he do now?" I ask.

"He just... disappeared! No one has seen him! Some people don't even recall seeing him when we got back!"

I jumped off the couch, nearly falling. "What!"

"Everyone is already looking for him, get your sword and help us look!" She said running off.

Quickly, I ran and got the End greatsword that was leaning against the wall. Even though Daryll can be annoying and screams ship names too much, I don't want any harm to come to him. He is my friend after all.

(El's POV:)

I was walking down the halls when Ferlak suddenly grabbed me by the collar and yanked me into an empty hallway.

"What the Nether!" I say. "What's your problem!"

He gives me a disgusted look.
"You are. Entity trusts you on spy missions too easily. You're supposed to be the best spy, yet you almost got caught... twice!"

"So? I'm a living creature, everyone and everything makes mistakes sometimes. Plus, I make up for it by giving valuable information."

"I just don't think we should trust a human, especially one that is getting a little too close to those discussing knights." He yelled.

I remained calm, "First off, I'm not a human."

"Human, end human, same difference. You can't trust any one of them. How can you explain you want us to wait until they got back!"

I sigh, "I do everything for a reason Ferlak and that is all you need to know. We do not need to be the best best friends in the world, but we must be able to tolerate and work together as allies, at the very least."

He scoffed. "No way that'll happen."

I roll my eyes and say,

"If you have a problem with me, take it up with the corruptor, and leave me out of it. I know what I am doing."

I didn't give him a chance to respond before I teleported (using my bracelet) back to my old home in the over world. It wasn't too far from the Frostbourne now that I look at it. I could even see the river from here.

I walk up to my old, small house with a small smile. It was a wooden and smooth stone cottage with a cobble roof. However, time had done a number to the old place. The stone grew moss, long grass and weeds replaced what used to be a beautiful garden, vines covered almost every shattered window.

But no matter how old and wrecked this place becomes, the only thing that will not change, is the feeling of home.

I walked inside the broken home as vivid memories fill my mind as I remember everything. My boyfriend cooking dinner for us on our stone brick fireplace, us cleaning and doing chores around the house up, and us cuddling on the couch. Tears filled my eyes remembering it all.

Why did I leave... my life was perfect before I did. I had everything I needed... Love... A good home... and-

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard something coming from mine and my boyfriend's room. I drew my gun and slowly opened the door to see him. My boyfriend. Standing right there.

He seemed to be looking for something. I stand in the doorway, admiring him from a bit of distance. I hadn't seen him up close in a while, I missed him dearly.

Suddenly I accidentally leaned on the door a bit, and it made a small squeak. Quickly, I fixed it and hid behind the door, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Come out! Whoever or whatever you are!"

I sigh. Putting my gun in my holster and put up my arms and walking into our room.

My boyfriend had his pistol drawn and pointed at me, I look up into his deep, dark brown eyes. A soft smile appeared under my mask. He looked at me confused, as if he remembered me even with my hood up and my mask on.

"Take of your hood and mask. And don't even think of trying to attack me, or I will pull the trigger."

I hesitate, but I took of my hood off. I hesitated again before taking off my mask. I looked back up at him.

He dropped his gun and ran to me and hugged me tight. I was surprised, but hugged him back. He pulled away and smiled, tears fell from his joyful eyes. I giggle and wipe the tears of his face, and quickly kiss him.

"You really are alive..."

To be continued

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