A tired witch

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An hour had passed and I was outside training with a punching bag while trying to think.

What do I want to do with my life?

Going back home was out of the question because....Herobrione existed. I guess I could stay here. Ever since Glacierford was overrun by zombies, this place had been like my home, the people here are like family to me.
In a few minutes, memories flooded my brain of my family from the moment I woke up after being revived by Azura...

After a few minutes, of thinking of memories I made here or on missions, I started thinking of Stella. I started off with simple things like her favorite color, which is green and magenta. Her favorite food, cookies. And her hair color, which is a dark lavender.

To little things that I remembered, like how she takes coffee, which as sweet as her cinnamon roll soul. To her favorite smell, which are roses-

...wait am I being creepy about knowing all this specific stuff about her? She told me this stuff herself so hopefully that makes it less weird. Though, how do I remember all of this stuff about her when I can hardly remember when there is a meeting?

Nothing makes sense anymore.

I get my hoodie and decide to walk around outside the village walls. I had my diamond sword on me so I'd be fine, it's not as powerful as Ceris's old sword, but it's still a good weapon....

Speaking of Ceris...
I wonder how Stella is doing. I know that when she was alive, they weren't talking much since the two of them were busy with war stuff. But, Ceris has always been a mother figure to Stel, and she had always tried to impress her with her magic abilities. I'm just wondering if Stella is okay. Seeing the Nether king be defeated had been a goal of Ceris for so long and now that that dream is a reality, I wonder how she feels.

As if on cue, I spot Stella and Daryll standing behind a tree. Confused, I go over there to see what they where looking at.

"Hey, what are you-" I was saying before Stella slammed her hand down over my mouth.

"Shhh! Look." Stella said before pointing to what they where looking at.

I look to see Azura and Patrick sitting underneath a tree having a cute little picnic. The two where laughing and hugging, you know, couple stuff.

"You never told us what you and the Grandmaster talked about? Have you been holding out on us!" Daryll asked.

I sigh. I mean, Pat didn't necessarily tell me that I couldn't tell Daryll and Stella so eh, I'll spill.

"A little, sorry. But I'll tell you now if you want?" I say muffled a bit from Stel's hand.

They nod and she takes her hand away from my mouth.
"Ouch, you both couldn't have thought of a better way to shut me up?" I asked.

"Well, I did, but Stella didn't want to give you a kiss." Daryll said and her face turned pink.

"D-Daryll! Kissing someone without k-knowing it's okay for you to do so is rude!"

"Well it'll help my ship sail a lot quicker." He turns back to me, "Now, what was all that Pazura stuff you kept to yourself?"

I sigh "See for yourself."

The look back over to see Azura being picked up by Pat, the two where smiling brightly.
They looked at me confused.

"Patrick just proposed to Azura and based off of their reaction, I think she said yes." I whispered.

"And we missed it!" They shouted.

"Sigh, I told you Pat, those three always end up finding us." We herd a familiar voice say

We look to see the newly engaged couple standing right in front of us.

"Uhhhh....hi." We said embarrassed we got caught.

"Hi, Rain, I thought I told you not to tell anyone."

I paused, "No? You didn't?"

"I didn't? "

"Nope, you said *aheam* How in the Nether realm did you get that so quickly?Ah, yes, you and the shipping squad." I say doing a terrible impression of him.
Everyone was laughing except him.

"You know I don't sound like that." He said and we all laughed harder.

"Hehe, hey, maybe we should all go do something tonight? It's been a while since we've all had time to just relax." Stella asked.

"I herd that there is a party going on in the village plaza which all knights and villagers are invited to. You guys want to go?" Daryll asked.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything tonight." I said.

"Me either, count me in!" Stella said.

"Count me out." Pat said about to walk away, he didn't get far before Azura took his hand and said.

"Nope, you and me are going, like it or not."

What kinda surprise us is that the Pazura couple swapped roles. Normally Azura doesn't want to go out and relax but Patrick makes her go out and have fun every once in a while.

"Mehhhh, Azura. But I don't like people." He said in a childish tone.

"Well, you like me so, yeah you're going!"

I could swear I herd Pat mutter something under his breath but I don't care enough. I watch as Stella smiles and runs around like a child squealing 'Yay!'
Dang, why is she so adorable sometimes? Heh, who am I kidding, she's always adorable.

She runs around for a few more minutes before the witch falls to the snow. We all look at each other before I say.

"I'll go check on her." I say and everyone nods in agreement.

When I walk over I realize she is passed out.
'That must have tired her out a lot.' I thought as I pick her up to take her back to her room. I finally got there just to find out the door was locked.
Weird, whenever she's out she never locks her door. She trusts the people who live here to not rob her, and she was never robbed of anything.
Probably because if anyone tries they knew I'd find out who and...thing won't be pretty.

Anyway I sigh and begin to walk to my room. I don't really think she'd mind, it's not like I'll be asleep next to her or anything. She needs her rest.

I carefully lie her down and tuck her in bed and place her hat on the nightstand. But before heading out I noticed her shivering. I quickly give her my hoodie and leave her to rest while I went to get lunch.

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