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(Stella's POV:)

I quickly got off Rain's lap and summon my brown and the wither spell books while Rain summoned the end greatsword and we ran up a hill to see what was going on,

"That's a lot of spiders." He said pointing to the army of giant spiders lead by a mutant one, I jumped behind him.

"Eeep! I don't like spiders!"

Even though I am a witch, spiders creep the heck out of me. Anytime I have to use spider eyes in a potion I have Azura put in the eye. What! You can't blame me! They're scary!

"You stay up here and fire of spells while I take care of the ones on the ground, okay?"

I quickly nod and agree to the plan. I don't want to be anywhere near them.
He smiled before running to join his fellow knights in battle.

After a minute, of killing spiders with light swords, I saw Azura and her soldiers take to the skies. A spider was about to bite my leg when I beheaded it with one of my swords.

Why did it have to be spiders? I ask myself.

"Because it would be what would scare you the most." Someone said from behind me.

I turn to see that green eyed girl standing there, Axe drawn. I quickly summon my light sword and charger at her swinging my sword. She quickly dogged by doing a tuck and roll, I shoot three swords at her, she only blocked them. I then tried shooting a beam of light at her but missed.
I clashed swords with her and asked,

"Who even are you?"

"Heh, you already know."

Before I could say anything else, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. When I look down, I see a spider with its fangs in my leg. Everything was spinning before I blanked out.

(Rain's POV:)

I just killed three spiders at once with the end sword. Finally, I'm starting to get used to using it. It had been a few minutes and Patrick and the others had it handled down here, so I thought I'd go to Stella to see if she's okay. Notch knows if a spider even touched her she'd freak out.

Quickly, I made my way up the hill only to find out that she wasn't there.

Huh? Where is-

I then saw her being carried by three giant spiders while Stella was unconscious lying on top of them.
The two of them where already half way across the battlefield, surely it would be a death wish going after them...
Oh well, time to do it anyway.

I used the wither spell book to teleport in front of them and drew my twin diamond swords (just so I don't accidentally kill Stella along with the spiders.) and cut one of their legs off. The other two dropped her and before they could react, I slice them both in half.

I sigh putting my swords away and go to pick up Stella, "Too easy."

"Oh really?" I heard someone say, before I could turn around, they knocked my to the ground.

I look to see the spider queen standing there. I reach for my swords when I find out they weren't there. When I look back, I see a ruby sword-spear thing about to cut me in two

Thinking quick, I roll out of the way. It had just missed by an inch. Thankfully, Stella's out of the way and didn't get hurt. I look to see the End greatsword lying a few feet away. While dodging the spider queen's attacks, I pick it up and block her spear from killing me. However she's a lot stronger then she looks and quickly unarmed me (again) and was about to kill me when I heard a few gunshots.

It didn't kill her, but weakened her enough that she yelled something in a spider language and ran back into a portal along with her spider soldiers.

I turn to see three familiar faces,

"Daryll! Lady Azura! Ser Patrick!"

"Rain, you okay?" Daryll asked me patting me on the shoulder.

"Yeah I'm good."

"You hurt at all? Pat. Potion of regeneration." She asked her Fiancé.

Patrick nodded and teleported away only to appear a few seconds later with the potion. Azura quickly gave Stella the potion.

"Will she be okay?" I ask. She nods.

"Just a simple sleeping potion, she should wake up in a hour or two... oh, by the way, I have something for her." She said handing me an envelope with her name on it.

"Okay, thank you A." I said. "So, you guys good? Any injuries?"

They shook their heads.

"Besides from minor stuff like scratches or bruises, we are all okay." Patrick said.

"Okay she'll be good. Rain, take her back to your room and let her rest there." Azura asked

"You got it!" I say picking her up and teleported into my room using the wither spell book.

I carefully lied Stella back down in my bed and put the covers over her and kiss her on the forehead. Then I place her hat and the envelope down on the nightstand.

"I love you Stella. Rest well." I say teleporting to get the basket and blanket from the picnic spot.

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