An old friend

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(A/N: sorry this was a bit late. Tests+writers block isn't really the best combination. Anyways, on with the story.)

//a week later//
(Stella's POV:)

We had all made it through half the Mystic Forest, and had set up camp outside of what is left of the Covern.

Right now, it was nine am. I was reading to Leon an old children's book I found from the library. Rain was paying his respects to the fallen End Dancer, Pat and Azura where packing up the tents, while Daryll was just... being Daryll.

We where all quickly running out of food, water, and supplies, and if all of us don't get there soon enough, we might need to stop to find a village.

However, there where a few good things. Leon very rarely cries at night, which allows Rain and I to get some sleep and Daryll made a makeshift crib and bottle for the little guy. Not going to lie... he is feels like a son to both Rain and I now. It really didn't take long, but he does.

"Hey, need me to hold him?" I heard Rain ask walking up to me.

"Nah. I got him. I just wanted to make sure he was getting enough attention before we left."

He smiled and chuckled a bit before he sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap.

"Hehe, what are you doing?" I ask giggling a bit.

"Well you said you wanted to make sure our baby got enough attention, so I want to make sure my baby is getting some attention too."

"Okie. So, how are you doing. How was visiting him?" I asked.

Rain sighed,

"Hard... I value the sacrifice he made, but he didn't deserve to die the way he did. He deserved a quick and painless death, not a slow and painful. Not for all he did for us..."

He kissed me on the cheek, "all he did for you."

"I don't like to think of it like that... death. It sounds... scary, something you should fear."

Rain gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, eventually like it or not, all of us will die... so, I think of it as not dying, but rejoining your family. It's something we'll all do one day. It's the circle of life. So, I think of him rejoining his family and friends... Zeg has been the last of his kind for a long time. He's in a better place."

My boyfriend looked away.

"N-Not that I'm saying he deserved the fate he was dealt, of course he didn't, I'm jus-" I couldn't finish because Rain had cut me off by kissing me.

"I knew where you were coming from, I just thought I heard something."


"So, how are you doing. Did you get enough sleep?"

"I am doing well, I got up early, got some breakfast, visited Zeg's grave and gave him a flower, fed Leon a bottle, and read him a story." I say.

"Well someone's been busy this morning." He said.

"Yup.... say, you haven't held out boy today, do you want to hold him for a bit?" I ask.

"Sure, Id love to hold him."

I carefully hand Rain our boy, and watched as he made cute, silly faces to Leon while the little baby laughed. I smile kissing Rain on the cheek.

Just then, I hear rustling coming from a nearby bush. I summon my sword, just in case, and stand up.

"Rain get behind me. Now!" I say and he does get up and held Leon with one arm and reached for the handle of the end greatsword.

"Show yourself and there will be no trouble."

The rustling stopped and almost a second later, out came a familiar blue karmabit landing behind us. Then teleported an old friend.

"Ciara!" I say making my sword disappear.

"The one and only. Say, I didn't know you two would have a kid."

"Oh, Leon? Well um... we kinda found him alone by a river and well, yeah." Rain said.

"Huh. Well, what are you two do-" Ciara started but was interrupted by Daryll running over to us.

"Hey um, Rain, Stella, Pat and Azura called a meeting."

"Okay, what about?" I ask him.

"The supplies, water, and food shortages. Now come on." We start to follow the bandit.

"You have food, water, and supplies shortages? Shouldn't you have ration them like you did when you and Rain went to the Covern?" Ciara asked.

"We did, even packed extra in case." Rain said.

"Then why are you out?"

"Well, we might have had enough... but, then we found this little guy, we had to give up a lot of clean water, food, and even some medicine and other stuff like that.." I say.

"Well, maybe the Netherbane can help. We're allies after all." Ciara said.

"Really?" Rain, Daryll, and I ask.

"Yeah! You can probably even stay the night if you need."

"You sure Kane would be okay with it-" Rain was saying when I interrupt.

"And the rest to the Netherbane? You guys aren't very... fond of Nether-kin." I say slightly gesturing to my horns.

Ciara shook her head,
"Oh, don't worry, we told everyone about you and that you're 100% on our side."

"O-Okay, I believe you." I say as we walked up to the Pazura couple who where talking.

"Ser Patrick, Lady Azura?" Daryll said and they turned to look at us.

"Hello, I'm Ciara. You might remember me from when you two, myself, and my ally Kane where talking about an alliance. My friends here told me of your problem and I would like to help."

"Well... thank you, but wouldn't Kane, your ally mind if we just barged in unannounced?" Azura asked.

"No, he wouldn't mind. I know him well enough to know he'd want to help in an instant. Of course I'd have to talk to him, but he'll understand."

"Okay... what do you say Sire?" She asked Patrick.

"Well, we all have to make it there and back safely and we all really won't be able to if we don't restock our supplies... Okay. We will accept your help, so long as we aren't a burden." The grandmaster said.

"Alright! Follow me. It'll be a long walk, but we can make it before noon if we hurry." Ciara said.

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