Normal? (Part one)

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//A month later//
(Stella's POV:)

Everything was.... normal again?

No attacks. No threats. No nothing. Since we got back, everything was calm and orderly. But even though it seemed life was going back to normal, the Grandmaster said "We should use this time wisely, and to never dull your skill with this break." I assume he meant that we shouldn't slack off and that we should train very often so we are of course if any threats do come back. 

However, I noticed something strange.

It was Rain. He has been acting so nervous lately, and whenever I asked about it, he brushed it of only saying "I'm fine," or "It's nothing." However, I noticed he was getting pretty jumpy and worries a lot... a lot a lot. He has been like that ever since Daryll disappeared, now I wonder if something happened while we were looking for him.

Speaking of my boyfriend, I was walking to one of the sparring areas outside the dreadfort. As Patrick said, "Are skill shouldn't dull," So we were going to train together a bit before the whole wedding.

Oh yeah! The wedding! I totally forgot!

Despite what Patrick said, Azura convinced him that it is about time they'd get married before having to go back to war. Not going to lie, Daryll, Rain, and I agree with Azura. The two of them have been wanting to get married for a while now, and even if this is just the calm moment before the huge storm, they deserve to be happy together.

Anyway, back to the training. We were going to practice some magic since we practiced sword fighting last week.
Right now I was wearing a black tank top over a magenta sports bra, with simple black leggings. My hair was also tied back in a low ponytail.

Room.....5! Ah, here we go.

I open the door to see Rain standing there punching a punching bag. It took him a bit before he noticed me.

"Oh, you finally made it!" He said happily, but looked confused when he saw Leon with me. "Why is Leon here?"

"Because, I couldn't put him down for a nap, and Azura is busy getting ready for her big day... So he will just watch us."

I put him down in the farthest corner from the mat, and put a forcefield over him, so he won't get hurt. I also got out a bag of baby stuff to give him some stuff to do (like blankets and blocks) so he doesn't crawl around and potentially get hurt.

"Are you sure that a simple forcefield is enough?" He said worried.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is the same spell I used in my fight with Infreious at the Covern." I said getting out a stuffed toy, and gave it to Leon.

"Didn't he break the forcefield... easily too?"

"Yes, but we are using simple level 1 stunning spells, not level 15 fire magic." I say getting the wither book from my bag and let it float over to him.

"True. Now, should we get started?" He asked looking though the book of spells.

"Sure, do you have the spells memorised?" I ask.

"Mhm." He closed the book and sent it away. "Hey, lets make this fun eh! First person to get stunned, is the loser. Oh, and no teleportation or telekinesis."

"A competition eh?" I asked.

"What, it'll be fun and help us improve! A win win." He said

"Yeah... It'll be fun! When I kick your butt!" I say getting competitive.

He chuckled. "Hey! I've improved!"

"I admit you have, and a lot for someone just starting off. But can you beat someone who has been doing witchcraft since forever?"

"Well, lets see." He said.

Immediate, started firing stunning spells at me which I dodged by doing a few cartwheels on one hand while preparing a spell in my other. I fired at him but he used a forcefield to block it. This went on for a good three minuets, both of us almost taking turns firing at one another while the other doges or blocks. Eventually he charged at me to try and corner me, however I did a parkour move using the wall to do a backflip and stun him in the back.

"Ha! I won!" I said doing a little victory dance.

"Well... I let you win." He said, however it was clear that he was lying.

"Hehe. Hey! Don't be such a sore loser, you put up a good fight." I said before kissing him on the lips, "Plus, I knew I would win."

He sighed, but before he could say anything back, we heard a small voice say, "L...L..." Both Rain and I turn to our son who was trying to speak. We run to him and sit down next to him. Both of us try not to squeal.

"I....wuv....oou..." He tried to say and smiled, which made us smile.

"We love you too Leon." Rain said gently patting him on the head.

I smile before remembering the wedding, I look back at the clock that hung on the wall to see that it's almost 11 o'clock. I spring up.

"Rain! It's eleven! We have to get ready NOW!"

His eyes widen. "Oh shoot I forgot!" He carefully picked up our boy and we rushed back to our room to get dressed for our friend's wedding.

A/N, Hey! I hope you all are doing well. Unfortunately I've been having really bad writers block lately (for both stories) so chapters are probably going to come out late or randomly. Again, sorry, have a good day/night. >w<

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