You can't stop me

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(2:00 am)
(Rain's POV:)

I jolt up out of bed.

"No.... No. No. No!" I shout.

I felt Stella's magic energy disappear. Just like that! I have been keeping tabs on her through her positive, magic energy. It is how I made sure she was still alive. And now... it's gone. The way I made sure the person I love more then anything was still breathing is gone.

Anxiousness and fear filled me I started shaking, hyperventilating, and crying. I couldn't think of anything but the worse possibly senecio that could have happened to her. I don't want to be alone like I was when Abby died. Not again. Never again. My vision was blurry from tears and I could hardly see anything a foot in front of me.

Not much more could happen before suddenly I got a weird taste in my mouth which pulled me back into reality.

Salt? I thought.

When my mind was able to focus again, I sat up to see Azura standing there in her pajamas, with an open package of salt in her hand.

"Rain! Are you okay?" She said trying to stay calm.

"Azura? Why in the Nether did you pour salt in my mouth!" I say, my voice a bit horse.

"I read from a book that it helps people who start to have a..." She stops and shook her head. "Never mind that."

The scholar calmly walked over, sat down next to me and asked,

"Rain, what's wrong... are you okay?"

I felt tears stream down my face, I looked away from her and at the floor as I cried. She turned her to me and hugged me tightly before pulling away, and wiping my tears off my face.

"I want to help you, but I need you to calm down and tell me what is wrong before I can Rain."

There was a pause.

"Stella.... s-she... I...I can't." I hug the blue haired woman. "Stella's magic energy... I-I can't f-feel it anymore..."

"What does that mean?" She asked concerned yet calmly.

"I don't k-know... how she is... alive... d-dead... healthy, sick... anything! Sure, it was weak considering how far a-away we are, b-but it was still comforting to feel her e-energy... to know she's alive... but, n-now that I can't... I-I..."

I started to break down again, Azura hugged me tighter and kept on saying "don't worry" or "I'm right here." Yes it helped a bit, but I still couldn't stop crying. Eventually I heard a knock.

"Is everything oka- Rain!" I heard Patrick say.

"Pat, call a meeting now." Azura said slightly turning to her husband.

"Blue, it's two in the morning... the council and everyone is aslee-" He was saying before interrupted by his wife.

"Patrick! Call a darn meeting right now!" She almost yelled.

His eyes widened a bit in surprise, but he left the room to call the meeting, or well I assume. Azura looked back at me and said,

"Go get your shoes on and meet us downstairs in a few minutes for the meeting. Okay? And if you need anything, both Pat, Daryll, and I are here for you." She said before she left.

I go to my baby boy's room. He was still fast asleep which was surprising considering I was yelling a bit and crying rather loud. As if he could feel my eyes on him, he shifted in his sleep and looked up at me and smiled tiredly yet happily. Even after all that has gone wrong in the past week, his warm yet sleepy smile made my cold, broken heart melt a bit.

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