A date?

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(Stella's POV:)

I was walking back to Rain's room to see that he's gone. I look around a bit to see a note on his bed,

Dear Stella,

Meet me at the east gate, I have a surprise for you.

Love, Rain.
P.s. I love you <3

I blush a bit before folding the letter up and putting it in my pocket. Before leaving, I quickly got changed into my black dress and left to meet him like he asked.

When I got there, I saw Rain.
He was wearing his normal hoodie but he added a bowtie which was adorable. His hair wasn't as messy as it normally is, but the braid I put in his hair this morning was still there.

"Your here." He said.

"Yup, heh... you look really nice." I said and blushed a bit, Rain smiled.

"Thank you, you look beautiful... as always."

I walk over and give him a kiss on the cheek and smile brighter.

"So, are we going somewhere or something?" I asked a bit curious. He then put a blindfold over my eyes then took my hand.

"It's a surprise." I was a bit nervous, he seemed to notice.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Um, not really. First time someone has put a blindfold over my eyes and told me to follow them." I say laughing a bit at the end.

"Oh, well that makes sense then." He carefully took the blindfold off, "Do you trust me?" He asked.

I lean in and quickly kiss him. "I trust you."

He carefully put the blindfold back on over my eyes before picking me up, which I let him do.
"Don't worry, I won't throw you into a pit of lava or anything like that." He said jokingly. I laugh,

"Heh, I know you won't." I say nuzzling into his chest.

I heard the sound of the river flowing and the snow crunching under Rain's feet. Eventually, he sat down and I was sitting in his lap.

"Okay, you can take of the blindfold now." He said. I do,

We where sitting on a picnic blanket next to the river. The part of the spot was underneath a spruce tree, while the rest was out in the sunlight. On the blanket, there was a picnic basket.

"Sorry, it's not the best, but I was short on time and wanted to-"

I hugged him, "It's amazing Rain, but why all of this so suddenly?" I asked.

"W-well....I wanted to try to do something a bit...I don't know." He said embarrassed.

(Rain's POV:)

Why am I so nervous?! Why can't I just say how I feel?! Why are emotions so Notch darn confusing?!

"You know you can be a real softy sometimes."

I tilt my head to the side. "What do you mean?"

She giggled,
"This morning, you where cuddling me early in the day and when I tried to leave to go check on people, you said in the most tired yet adorable voice, 'No go...you warm.'"

I blush a bright red, "S-Sorry! I didn't even know I said that. Sorry!"

I hung my head in embarrassment. She smiled and took my head in her hands,

"Aw, it's okay. You where being really adorable."

I try to look away, but she didn't let me. Both of us where silent. I was trying to think of something to say that had a low chance of me just embarrassing myself when Stella leaned closer and kissed me on the nose. I look back at her to see that she leaned back in and quickly stole a kiss from me.

"Hey!" I say and I quickly kiss her.

She giggled a bit more, "There's the Rain I know." Stella then turned to the basket,
"What is this?"

I picked up the basket and since she was still sitting on my lap, I placed the basket on hers before wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Open it and find out for yourself." I say.

Stella does and gasps. "Cookies!"

She said pulling out one of the two bags, they where filled of chocolate chip cookies, which where still warm. She opened the bag and ate one,

"Yummy! Where the heck did you get these?" I laugh a little and kiss her forehead,

"Made them myself, this morning." She looked at me surprised,

"Really? You never told me that you could bake! I feel so betrayed!" Stella joked.

"We all have our secrets don't we?" I asked.

We both sat in a peaceful silence. Stella was eating the bag of cookies I had made her, occasionally letting me take a bite of them. I was holding her close listening to the river and her cute happy noises she makes when she eats.

"Rain?" She asked, I lift my head up to see that she has cookie crumbs all over her face.


She took a deep breath, "I like you... a lot."

I smile, "I like you too. Now, let me help you out here Ms. Cookie Crumbs."

"Do you have a napkin or something?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I forgot to pack one....hmmm?"

"Hmmm what? She asked. I smirk before leaning close to her face and licking the cookie crumbs off her cheek. I pull back to see her now blushing brightly.

I lick the extra crumbs off my lips and chuckle, "Looks like I did perfect that recipe."

She blushed a deep red, and I was about to kiss her when I herd sirens going off.

An attack?

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