Normal? (Part two)

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It was time for the wedding.

The wedding was outside in a beautiful garden area. It had rained before it snowed yesterday so the trees had snow covering the branches. It truly was a beautiful sight. However with all the snow, you could see dandelions still which made it even more of a perfect wedding area. The sun was also going to set soon, so the whole party after the wedding was at night.

Anyways, I was standing next to all of Azura's bridesmaids. One of them I didn't know very well, but the other two I remembered very well. One was Dexter, the other Captain of the Elytra Squadron, whiles the other was Hilda, a shields maiden. I not too surprised to see them there, I mean, when you fight an entire army for the survival of humanity, you kind get close to the people you work with and that you trust.

All the bridesmaids are wearing a knee length, puffy, off the shoulder, navy blue dress.
Mine on the other hand that was longer in the back, wasn't really puffy, full lace, still knee length and navy blue, but had more like tank top sleeves instead of off the shoulder. All of our hair was tied back into low bun's with a few louse strands hanging down.

On the other side, I saw Patrick who was nervous but happy, Daryll (who is his best man) looking like he is going to explode of the ultimate ship moment, the other two groomsmen was just minding their own business, while Rain (the other groomsman) was holding Leon, who was the little ring bearer since we all knew absolutely no one else who could do the job.

All of them were wearing suits, except instead of a traditional black suit, they all wore kind if a white-ish cream-ish suits with black ties. Since it had snowed, it really fit the theme and the background of the wedding.

Eventually, music started playing and the flower girl walked down the isle. The little girl who is the little flower girl was Azura's little sister, Aura. She is about fifteen, yet acts like she a child, Azura's sister is also kinda short so Aura was perfect for the role.

Aura wore a knee length, royal blue dress with a silver stitched pattern on the belt. While her blue hair (which was a bit darker then her sister's) was tied into two space buns. She held a simple basket for the flower petals.

Once she got over to us, she smiled at me and said, "Hey Lady Stella." She whispered to me.

"Hey Aura. Is your sister ready for her big day? " I ask and she nods.

"Mhm. She of course always looks pretty all the time, but she is really beautiful in her dress."

"We know she looks beautiful because, one, it's Azura and she designers armor that is both strong and beautifully crafted, and two, we helped her pick it out." Dexter said.

"True." I said.

The conversation died down a bit, but it was at the perfect time, because we all saw Azura walk down the isle with her uncle.

Okay, let me explain that. Her parents, like a lot of people's family in the Frostbourne died due to the Nether Horde, the Undead, or the Pig King. Ever since then, her aunt and uncle raised them and lived in the small village below the dreadfort so they could always stay close. It's kind of like what happened with my family, accept I was a child, and Ceris mainly stayed in the End.

Nonetheless, I watched my best friend walk down the isle practically beaming with joy. Her dress was beautiful. It is a long, light blue satin dress that was covered in white lace and had a navy blue, satin belt. The sleeves, which went off her shoulders, were made of lace. Her azure hair was half up half down, the veil flowing behind her.

Once she made it up here, she gave her uncle a hug. He turned to his future nephew-in-law and said,

"You break my niece's heart, I will hurt you." He warned, all of us laughed a bit.

"I promise I won't sir." Patrick said. "I love her."

"Good." Azura's uncle said before moving the veil and kissing her on the top of her head before she walked up to us and her soon to be husband.

After a second or two, the person preforming the ceremony walked up to them. It was a short girl with blond hair and glasses. She looked like she hadn't slept or seen the sun in a while.

"Okay. Ahem. Do you, Ser Patrick, take Lady Azura to be your wife for richer or for poorer, for better of for worse, in sickness or in health, to love each other till death do you part...?" She asked.

"I do." He said.

"And do you, Lady Azura, take Ser Patrick to be your husband for richer or for poorer, for better of for worse, in sickness or in health, to love each other till death do you part...?" She asked again.

Azura's smile brightened, "Of corse I do."

"Are their any objections, if so, speak now or forever hold your peace."

No one spoke up.

"Okay, may we have the rings?"

Rain walked up with Leon and he gave the rings to the couple, which they put on each other.

"With the fan fiction powers vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride. Now, I got to binge My Hero Academia so I can make a crosso- wait no spoilers!"

Wait? Fan fiction powers? And what is My Hero Academia ? I thought.

Anyways back to the wedding, Patrick lift Azura's veil and they kissed. Everyone cheered while Daryll, Rain, and I shout.

It is the happiest moment in my best friend's life (so far at least) however, even with all the joy going on, I could see a familiar face in far back of the audience. Someone with emerald green eyes.
(El's POV:)

I was watching the wedding of the grandmaster and the Captain of the Elytra Corps. They looked so happy. Well, of course they are happy, this is one of the biggest days in their lives and I felt bad.

Those happy faces of them and the people around them will disappear in minutes.

"Is it time yet." 303 asked me.

"Soon. Just a few more minutes."

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