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(Happy new year to all! And eh, might as well finish this book off. Enjoy!)

(L's POV:)

She was alive... barely... but alive.

I spotted her use the remainder of her power to teleport her love to safety. Leaving herself to die. Or well... until I stepped in.

Using my armband, I teleport both the unconscious witch and myself out of the building just seconds before it blew.

Now, I was walking with her as my armband charged it's power. Eventually, I finally reached where I needed to be.

It was a small cottage, hidden away by magic. However, the small home did not hold a normal person. No. Who you may ask? You will see.

I walked to the door and knocked on it. I see a small bit of the old spruce door move out of place showing an ender eye.

"Who is there!" A echoey female voice replied rather harshly.

I get down on my knee, bowing to the woman. "My queen. It is but I." I replied.

She closed the little makeshift peephole, and I herd her unlock several locks before opening the door. Revealing the former End Matriarch, Lady Ceris.

She looked at me confused before she saw her dying descendant in my arms.

"Quickly, inside." She said.

I lied her down on her bed and stepped aside. She was much better at healing magic's then I was, even though we practiced the same form of witchcraft, she was much more advanced then I was. I just stepped back and took notes.

Eventually, she let out a relived sigh, "She'll be fine."

She sat down in front of me at the table.

"Does anyone know she is alive?" She asked me.

I took off my mask. "Nobody. I had to get her to you as soon as I could."

"I see.... thank you Ly." She said before slightly chuckling. "You know, you are one of the strongest people I know."

I look at her confused. "The legendary End Matriarch is saying I'm the one who is brave? You challenged you, and your people's fate. Sure you didn't win most of the way, but instead of surrendering to Naeus and his army, you fought against him... that's more then anything I could ever do."

She put her hand on mine.

"My dear, never underestimate your power... you are stronger then you know."

I smile before getting up. "Thank you, but I have to get back to the Red Legion's army before they notice I'm gone. Farewell my queen."

"Until we meet again."

//two months later//
(Rain's POV:)

It wasn't the same without her there.

Nothing was.

And I couldn't do anything without being reminded of her.

If I was cooking, she would ask what I was making. If I was learning new spells, she would be looking over my shoulder. If I was lying down, she would be asleep next to me. If I was taking care of my son, she would smile while watching. If I sad, she would be there to comfort me.

Every day got harder and harder to get through. The Red Legion was still out there, getting stronger and stronger by the day, while the ones close to her were still in morning of her passing.

At this point, there were two reasons I got out of bed. For my son, Leon, and for the possibility I could avenge my love and free others from the hardships of war.

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