The girl with green eyes

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(Stella's POV:)

//The next morning//

I woke up with Rain cuddled up next to me. I smile looking at him. He looked... peaceful for once. I started braiding a bit of his hair which was starting to get kinda long, I has just finished the braid when I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"R-Rain!" I say flustered, my hand and I used it to cover my blush and sat up.

He took one of my hands off the brim of my hat and held it close to him, "No go. You warm." Rain said before kissing my hand.

I brush a bit of hair out of the way and lie down next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and fell asleep again. I was looking out the window and was pretty quiet until I saw snow start falling from the sky.

I gasp, "Rain! It's snowing!" I say pointing to the window.
He doesn't seem to care and just go back to sleep. I turn to look at the falling snow but...I saw someone... a girl. She was watching us through the window from a nearby tree that was tall enough to reach the window. I think she saw me because she quickly teleported off.

I couldn't see her face or what she looked like very well because she had a mask and hood, but I clearly saw a pair of emerald green eyes.

Who was that?
I roll over to face Rain and lightly shook him so he'd wake up.

"Hey, um, I'm going to go check on Azura, Daryll and possibly Patrick if I see him. I'll be right back, okay?" I ask.

He smiled tiredly, "..okay..."

I kiss him on the forehead before getting up, and (just for safe measures) closing the curtains, before leaving.

I walk to Azura's office and knock on her door. It took less then a second to open. She was wearing her lab coat, black dress, and had her hair tied back.

"Hiya Az!" I said.

"Hey... do you need anything?" She asked.

"Nah, just checking in."

"Oh, okay. Come on in!" Azura said and let me in, I look over her shoulder as she works.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Repairing my wings, they're still just a prototype, so I need to fix them constantly after battle." She said putting on her goggles.

"Where's your future husband?"

She slightly chuckled, "He's at his office. Screwdriver!" Azura said holding out her hand.

I hand her the screwdriver and she continued working, I noticed her ring wasn't on,

"Hey, where is your ring?" I ask.

"Over there." She pointed to a small glass bowl holding her ring, "I didn't want it to get damaged while I worked, so I put it over there."

"Huh, smart." I paused, "Hey, how did you react when Patrick proposed?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"How did you react, or well, how did you feel inside."

She smiled, and put her screwdriver and wrench aside,

"I am so glad you asked!" She said before taking off her goggles and got her ring from the glass bowl.

We both sit down on her couch and she just started squealing into a pillow. Then out of nowhere she stopped and turned to me,

"That is how I felt. Now, I have a question for you!" She said.

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