The kiss

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A/N: Beware, you can see from title that there are lots of ship moments, this is not a drill. Anyway, on with the chapter >w<

//A few hours later//
(Stella's POV)

I woke up to the cold, which was normal since the heater in my room was broken. My vision was still hazy, I need more sleep. I roll over and pull the blue covers over my head...


My covers are magenta...

I quickly sit up out of bed to find out I was in Rain's room. I find my hat on a nightstand, I put my hat on quickly before finding a note under it:


You passed out and your door was locked. You seemed pretty tired, so I brought you to my room so you could get some rest.


I blushed a little before lying back down, I was a toasty cinnamon roll, Rain's bed was nice and comfy too- that kinda came out wrong...

Anyway's, it was weird, I don't remember locking my door? And I certainly don't remember bringing my keys when I went out and saw that Pazura moment.
Maybe I'm just tired?

Just then I noticed some more writing on the paper,

Oh P.s. The party starts at 8:00

I look over at the clock to see it is says 6:30

"Shoot!" I say getting out of bed, getting my hat and ran to Azura's office/room.

When I got there I quickly climbed up the ladder that lead to her house and opened the trap door to see, Azura sitting at the table, reading.

"Enjoy your nap sleeping beauty?"

"Ha ha, very funny." I say sarcastically before sighing, "I need to borrow a dress, and some makeup." I ask.

"Oh yes, you got locked out of your room. Sigh sure... why not." She said.

"Thank-...wait how did you-"

"Rain told me that you we're asleep in his room because you apparently locked yourself out." She said, and I blush,

"He also told me that you were cold and he gave you his hoodie."

"Huh? No he-" I look down to see I was in fact wearing Rain's dark blue, creeper hoodie.

"Okay. A dress, a dress." Azura said walking to her closet to pick out two dresses.

While Azura was picking out outfits for us, I was walking around. Azura had a very nice little room on top of her office, flowers, books, and paintings decorating it. It was relatively big compared to my little room. She had an small extra room which I stayed in whenever we had a sleepover.

When I got back, she had two dresses. One dress was a long, sleeveless, sparkly, dark indigo. While the others one was a bit short, black with a beautiful silver pattern stitched on the belt. Azura handed me the black dress and we went to go get change.

//At the party//
(Rain's POV:)

Parties are so much less fun when you can't find any gosh darn people you know. I wanted to try and find Stel, but now I'm just trying to find someone I know.

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