The baby

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I pick up the small baby who was crying.

"Shh... no, please stop crying." I say carefully rocking them. Eventually they did stop.

"Who do you belong to small child?" I ask myself since they look too young to be talking.

It seamed they had a note in the cloak they were wrapped in. I took out the note and it said,

His name is Leon. Please, take care of him. He has no one else.

Since it was dangerous being alone at night, I walk back to the camp and sat down on the log I was sitting on and started rocking the little one. Dang, he was so cute.

"Since when did you have a baby?" Someone asked from behind me.

I quickly turn to see Patrick standing there confused as heck.

"Since just now, I just found the little one over by the river. His name is Leon."

"Was he alone?" He asked. I look at him if sarcasm was a facial expression.

"No, I just saw a small child with its parents and screamed 'mine,' yes he was alone!"

"Just thought I'd ask."

"Can you two please talk quiete-" Azura started while getting out of her and Pat's tent.

She looked mad but then when she saw the little boy, that anger melted away.

Azura gasped "A baby!" She yelled.
"Aw, I love babies, they're so cute! Stella can I hold him, or her! Pleeaasseee!"

Scared to say no, I hand little Leon to Azura and she carefully rocks him and started mumbling something in baby talk. It was a bit weird, but Leon was laughing so I didn't mind it.

"Stella. Why didn't you tell me that you and Rain had a kid!"

Before I could respond and say he isn't my kid, I hear,

"Say what!" Rain yelled and he walked out of our tent. "Where did you get a tiny human?"

"Azura, I found him by the river. Rain and I didn't have a kid."

She looked embarrassed, "Oh, sorry." She said still rocking him.

"Azura? Since you love kids so much, why don't you keep him?" I ask and she sighed.

"I'd love to, I really would. But..." she pointed to the grandmaster.
"Someone needs to control his anger before we even think about having kids. I don't want the little one to grow up in that type of environment."

"Okay that makes sense... then who'll be like his parents?" Rain asked.

"Or at least watch him until we get home. Maybe Daryll-"

"No." The bandit said walking out of his tent.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I just... no. So that leaves the two of you." He said pointing to us.

"I mean... I guess you all have your reasons not to, even if you won't tell us. I... don't really have a problem looking after the Leon."

Rain sighs, "Until we're home and can find him a proper family... I guess I'll help with taking care of him." 

I smile, "You sure are." I turn to Azura. "May we hold him now?" I ask her.

"Oh! Of course." She hands him to Rain. "Sorry."

I look over at Rain holding Leon. At first, he was the normal, neutral faced, man he normally was. But when he looked down at him, I saw him smile in a way I never seen before.
But then Leon wrapped his tiny, little baby hand around Rain's index finger. I could see his heart melting from that. I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was being.

But when I do, it seemed to snap him back to reality. He goes back to how he looked before.

"He's cute I guess." He mumbled.

"Well, it's late. We should get some sleep." Daryll said.

We all agree and head back into our tents. Rain made a little makeshift crib for Leon out of his pillow and a few books. So both of us where sharing a single pillow.

After fifteen minutes of tossing and turning, I still couldn't fall asleep. So I sit up and look around the almost pitch black tent. The lantern in our tent gave off a faint light, but I couldn't see much.

Thankfully for me, Leon wasn't one of those infants that wake you up at two am crying.

I searched through my bag and got out my stuffed dragon.

I then remember my trips to the end as a child, and how I loved the beautiful ender dragon. When I would visit Ceris, Vordus would let me pet the ender dragon. Heh, little did I know my boyfriend would be the Dragontamer.

Before I could think of anything else I feel my boyfriend's arms wrap around my waist and make me lie down.

"Go to sleep Stella." He said hugging me.

I groan, "But I'm not tired..."

"I don't care, we have a long trail ahead of us tomorrow and you need your rest."

"No sleep for me."

"Yes sleep for you, or no cuddles for a week." He threatened.

Not wanting to not be able to cuddle him, I roll over to face him and close my eyes.
"Fine, you win."

He pressed his lips against mine, kissing me lightly before both of us fall deep asleep

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