The attack on the Red Legion

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A/N: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! My gift to you... angst! Enjoy! Good luck and happy holidays!

(Rain's POV:)

Somehow, I made it pretty far on foot. I made it past the destroyed Netherbane camp, in only a few hours. I left at around three thirty-three am, and now it's almost four in the afternoon. Then again, I wasn't being attacked, nor had to stop to feed or give water to a horse, nor had to fix a prototype wing set, so I was able to move a lot faster.

Eventually, I came across a giant base made of mossy, and normal stone brick.

The end stronghold is supposed to be underground right? Why is it above ground?

I approached the building, sword in hand, when suddenly, an army of mobs darted out of the base towards me. My eyes closed, as I remembered what happened years ago. With Abby. King Glutton. The Nether. Everything.

I can't let that happen. Not again. I thought, drawing the Ender Greatsword, charging at them.

My sword started glowed a magenta color, which I was in too much rage to pay attention. That was until I slammed the sword accidentally against the ground to kill a spider. I quickly looked up to see the mobs getting shot back from the impact. I decided to use that to my advantage and cut a spider in half. What I didn't know would happen was a good portion of the mobs got cut in two.

"Well now I see why this is called the legendary ender greatsword." I said a bit stunned.

I was drawn from thought when I felt a blade cut me across the back. I quickly turn to see vexes flying down, doing aerial strikes on me.

I was about to use my sword on an upcoming one, when a few spiders started tackling me, as the vexes disarm me. However, the next thing I know, all the mobs around me were dead with slash marks in them.

"Hey! Need a hand?" I heard a familiar, yet distorted voice say.

I look to see Ser Patrick standing there, and behind him, was five giant airships which people quickly started climbing down from. He took off his helm, and to my surprise, looked relieved to see me alive and not seriously injured. He helped me up and put his helmet on again as we started fighting off whatever mobs came close.

"Are you okay?" He asked, cutting a vex in two.

"Yeah." I said, getting my sword back and fighting off more mobs.

"Are you severely injured?"

"No- On your left." I pointing out a spider trying to sneak attack him.

"Rain!" I look to see Daryll hopping off his horse, joining us, "Go! We can handle them!"

"But what about the whole thing earlier-" I ask.

"Don't mind that now! Right now, get in, get Stella, get out, and we all leave. And of course when we all are back safe, I yell at you for never thinking about your actions" Patrick said.

I chuckled a bit and nod, before running as fast as I could to the building.

"I'm coming Stel! Just hang on a little longer!"
(303's POV:)

"Sir! Our men are dropping like flies out there! The spider queen said to me.

"Indeed. If this keeps up, they will have our heads in a few short minuets!" Ferlak said.

I shake my head. This isn't going like we thought at all! The plan was make the Dragon tamer come to us, and kill us! Not him and all his buddies from Frostbourne come to kill us!

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