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(Azura's POV:)

I woke up still tired. I rolled over looking at the clock in my room.

4:05 am? I read in my head.

I look up at the ceiling. It was rather cold tonight, so I appreciated the warmth from my blanket and from my husband who was asleep next to me. But then, out of nowhere, I felt a pit in my stomach. I couldn't tell what it was, but something was definitely off.

Leon I knew was safe. He was sound asleep in a  small crib next to our bed. I looked over at him, just to double check, and wasn't surprised to see that he was still asleep.

Slowly and tiredly, I started to get out of bed when I felt something tug my arm. I turn to see my tired husband holding onto my hand, he looked at me concerned.

"Where are you going?" He said tiredly "It's too early to be awake."

"I know, but something feels... off. Its a bit unsettling. I'm going to check on Rain" I decided, "I'll be right back hun."

He yawns "Okay... be back soon." he quickly fell back asleep, letting go of my hand.

I got up, put on my shoes and lab coat, got my keys, their key, and a lantern, and walked out to the dark, empty halls of the dreadfort, trying to make my way to Rain's room.

It was a very smart idea to put his room right nearby my office. What, I'm one of the only few calm people here, plus, he comes and talks about his problems sometimes, especially when his mental state is as worse then Gigabone with punching smaller people.

Thankfully both him and Stella had trusted me enough to have a key to their room in case one of them had a problem or weren't in the best mental state. They told me only use it for emergencies though, however I respected that decision and only used it for emergencies.

When I got there, I knock on his door. "Rain? You okay in there?" I ask.

No answer.

"Rain? Come on, I know you're not asleep. please come to the door. I just want to check in on you." I asked again.

Still, no answer.

"Okay, I'm sorry but I'm coming in." I get out his room key and unlock his door.

He wasn't at his house? I checked his room, or even in bed, I grew worried and looked in carefully in every room. His sword and armor were missing too! I saw a note on his nightstand.

I read it in my head

Dear whoever finds this.

I left to fight the corruptor and get my love back. I am sorry for the meeting, and offending some to all of you. Please, don't try and find me to bring me home. You can't stop me! I hope to be home soon.


Rain the Dragontamer

"Oh Notch!" I almost yell.

I broke into a run back to my home. As soon as I get there, I turned on the lights and started shaking Patrick till he woke up, a bit confused.

"What is-" he yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Rain left!" I shout.

His eyes widen and gets right up, looking slightly angry. I gave him the note and he quickly read it through in his head.

"That darn kid." He said quickly getting up and walked over to the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

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