Nothing will happen to you

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(7:47 at night)
(Stella's POV:)

We finished setting up the camp just before sunset.

All of us, plus the Netherbane were playing on leaving back to the Frostbourne in the morning, considering nobody had enough food, fresh water, and certain supplies for the rest of the trip.
Heck we don't think we even have enough to make it back to the Frostbourne without stopping to hunt or get water from a river.

But right now, Rain and Ciara where cooking dinner. Daryll looked like he was trying to find something from the rubble of the building. Azura and Patrick were by the fire, watching Leon, it was mainly Azura because Pat was just confused in how to take care of a baby and was just going along with what his fiancée was doing.
I was leaning up against a tree watching everyone, unsure of where to go. Rain and Ciara looked busy and I didn't want to disturb the Pazura moment, so I went over to Daryll.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

He looked back at me startled like he didn't hear me come over. The bandit turned away from me and started looking again.

"The letter..." He mumbled. "Where is?"

A letter? Was that the note El made me give him? I asked myself.

"What letter?" I ask trying to pretend like I didn't know what he was referring to.

"Don't play dumb, I saw you give me the letter." He said.

I looked shocked,
How did he know? He wasn't there when I dropped it off... how did he know.

As if he could read my mind, he pulled a camera out of his jacket and handed it to me.

"A hidden camera? Why do you have this?" I ask.

"I have a camera just in case we ever stop and stay at villages. I want to make sure my stuff doesn't get stolen. Now."

He gets up and looks down at me. "Who. Gave. You. That. Letter!"

"I don't know... I-I found it and since it was addressed to you, I thought it was yours." I lie.

The bandit seemed to believe me this time and sighed.

"Okay... I'm sorry for raising my voice..." he said before going back to look for it.

"What was it about?" I ask.

He paused. "Nothing, it's nothing to worry about... it's just..." he didn't finish and just went back to looking.

"Do you need help looking? I can use my magi-" I ask.

"No, I can look by myself... you should take a break from magic for today. Using too much could be bad." He said.

I was about to say something, but nodded in agreement, healing all those injured folk made me pretty tired. I walk away back to everyone else to see Azura sitting alone with Leon who she was giving a bottle. She took notice of me and smiled.

"Hey!" She said.

"Hey, how are you doing? Feeling any better?" I ask, Azura nods.

"Mhm. I was going to try and fix up my wing suit and my wings, but Patrick is making me rest." She said.

"I'm glad he is... say, speaking of him, where did he run off to?" I ask.

"He went on a walk near the building, said he needed to be alone for a bit." She said calmly.

Huh... that's a bit weird. I didn't see him while I was over there? I think. Maybe he was on the other side of where we where?

"Okay." I said. "How is my boy doing?" I ask.

Her smile brightens. "He is such a little angle. Leon hardly cries, he is adorable, and doesn't pull my hair when I'm holding him." She said.

"Yeah, he's a little sweetheart. And his mommy wuvs him." I say in a baby voice.

He smiled and held onto my finger tight. That warmed my heart which made me smile softly.

"I think he loves his mommy and daddy right back." Azura said.

I smirk. "Sooooo Azura, do you and Patrick plan on having any kids anytime soon?" I ask.

Her face turned redder then the Nether. "S-Stella!" She said embarrassed.

"What? Just asking?"She sighed.

"Well if you must know... both of us have been talking about that recently, and we came to the conclusion that after we are married, and Patrick gets a hold of his temper... we might start trying to have one."

"Is that why he has started yelling at everyone a lot less? And why him and Rain fight less?" I ask.

"I assume... he never gave having kids of his own a thought, he never really liked them, but when you and Rain took in Leon... the idea grew on him a bit."

Speaking of the grandmaster, he appeared right next to his girlfriend and gave her a hug from behind. She smiled seeing him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"There you are! You feeling better?" She asked. He nodded.


"Okay, well I got to go check on my boyfriend and Ciara for a bit." I say as Azura gave me my boy.

"Alri- Wait! I have a question." Azura said.

I turn back to face her. "Yeah, what is it?" I ask.

She leans close to my ear and whispered;
"Do you want to be the maid of honor at my wedding? You are like a sister to me and I feel like that spot should be filled by you."

I smile and whisper back, "I'd love to!"

She gave me a motherly peck on the forehead and pulled away, a bright smile filled her face.

"Alrighty well good. You get on your way then, I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay!" I say walking to the small kitchen setup.

-time skip to after dinner-

We had finished up dinner and everyone turned in for the night while nighttime guards made it to their post.

Rain and I were spooning in our tent. I was holding onto Leon tightly, scared to let go of him again. My boyfriend who saw my scared face, kissed me on the back of the head.

"You can put him in his crib, he will be okay..." Rain said, to be honest I wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or me.

I shake my head, "N-No, I think I'll hold him tonight... I don't want him to get hurt."

"He won't be..." He said pointing to his swords and to my book. "Nothing will happen to him..."

Rain kisses me on the cheek.
"Just like nothing will happen to you. Because I'll be here to protect you both."

I roll over and smile. "Now, if you're protecting us... who will protect you?" I ask.

"You do that. You make sure I don't go insane and be my reckless self." He said.

I start to feel sleepy. I lean my forehead against Rains' and start to fall asleep.

Opposites attract (a Ralla fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now