What is going on...

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(Rain's POV:)

I woke up to Stella shaking me and sirens going off. She was already wearing her dress and hat, and her spell books fluttering around her. I sat up quickly.

"Rain! We're being attacked! Get your swords and armor on now!" She yelled.

"What about Leon?" I ask putting on my chest plate.

"He'll be fine. I cast a protection spell on him. No living creature can harm him while that spell is still up."

I sigh of relief taking out the end greatsword and my diamond swords and we charge outside.

Instead of spiders, vexes flew through the air. I got up on the roof of the building and tried to fire arcane blades and beams at them. Azura was flying through the air along with Ciara who was doing aerial strikes, Kane and a few more people of the Netherbane shot arrows at the mobs. I don't know where Stella and or Patrick went to, I just hope they're safe.

Out of nowhere, I heard an explosion and a wither flew up and started attacking us, however looked to be mainly after Azura.

The vexes and missing wither skulls started knocking over the lanterns that hung from the building and all around, quickly setting the Netherbane base ablaze. Quickly thinking, I jump to a nearby tree.

"Rain!" I hear Stella shout. "Leon is still in there!"

Sh-...oot! Leon! That spell would protect him from mobs and dark magic! Not smoke!

Scared for the life of my son, I quickly climb down the tree and we dart to the burning base, when something flew down and picked up Stella and started flying away.

"No you don't!" Azura yells, kicking him to the ground. He dropped my girlfriend- who I m catch- and tried to fly away with the rest of his men when Az tried to shoot him down. However, she didn't see the wither skeleton skull flying straight towards her.

"Lady Azura! Behind you!" I shout.

She her head turned around but the skull hit her wings and knocked her out of the sky and into a tree.

Fortunately she was caught by Ciara and Kane so she wasn't further injured, just had a few cuts that where bleeding a bit, but it wasn't life threatening.

"Leon!" Stella shouts waking up. "Is he o-"

Before she could finish, we saw the main building, the one that we all slept, exploded. We stood there in silence, Stella fell to her knees and started to cry while I was shaking as tears fell from my eyes.

But before anyone could say anything, we hear a familiar distorted voice say.

"He's fine, don't worry."

We all turn to see grandmaster Patrick, he was holding Leon in his arms. My boy wasn't harmed in the slightest and was sleeping peacefully. Both Stel and I rush over to him. I hold my sleeping boy in my arms and hug him tight.

We thanked him a hundred times. However when he took of his helm, he looked like he could smack us both upside the face. Based off of how he looked, we are actually kind of surprised he didn't at that moment.

"What in the End where you two thinking leaving an infant in a building alone!" He says trying to keep calm.

We stayed quiet. We had put our boy in harms way, and without Patrick, he would no longer be here. We should have done better in making sure he was safe.

"You both better not do that again, you hear me! Your lucky he didn't overheat or inhale too much smoke!" He said trying to keep his composure.

"Yes sir!" We say blotting out tears away. I admit, yes what we did was reckless, and we deserved to be yelled at for this. We really should have thought that through better. I don't know what we would do if he had gotten hurt, or even worse.

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