A crashed wedding

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(Stella's POV:)

After all the photos, congratulating the bride and groom, the bouquet toss, and the bride and groom's first dance, everyone was celebrating. The whole thing was huge, most of the knights, some villagers, and the whole Netherbane were invited.

Both Rain and I were with our baby boy, watching the newly wed bride and groom dance with one another and later chasing Daryll for screaming their ship name.

Both of us had danced a bit, walked around, ate some food, talked to the bride and groom, and spent time with our little boy. So we were pretty tired. But right now, we both were going to get some sodas since the two of us were getting a bit thirsty. When walked up to the bar area, we saw a familiar face.

"KANE?!" We said simultaneously.

"Hey Rain, Stella, little Leon." He said while making a drink and giving it to someone.

"You're a bartender?" Rain asks.

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I used to be one before... well being turned and becoming the Netherbane leader." He said.

"That's a bit of a swi-" I was saying before Ciara walked up to the three of us, she had an empty glass in her hand.

"Are we all talking about what we were before we died?" She asked.

"I mean, I guess?" I said.

"What types of things did you do?" Rain asked her.

"I was an assassin. Oh! And Kane used to be a bartender if you could believe it." She said. "Speaking of which. Kane! I need a refill of wine!"

"Ciara, that would be your forth glass of wine tonight. I think you've had about enough."

"Kaaannnneeee!" She said "Pretty please?"

He sighed and took her glass. "Half a glass more and that's final."

She pouted but agreed. As he went to go refill her glass, halfway this time, she turned to us.

"Say, did I ever show you what both Kane and I looked like when we were still full human?"

"No, I don't think you have."

She quickly got out a photograph of two people, one was a a young woman with slightly tan skin, brown hair, brown-ish hazel eyes, and the same outfit as Ciara, however she wielded a katana and dagger instead of two karmabits.

The other one was a man with fare skin and black hair, dark brown eyes, holding a glass of wine. He wore a white button-up shirt with a brown vest over it.

"It's a big hard to believe, but that is both Kane and I. Well... used to be us."

We were shocked. Of course, they said their gray skin was an after effect of the reviving process, but they practically changed interlay. They looked so... different. Both their eyes and hair changed completely.

"Well, here comes Kane, I want to get some food. So I'll see you two around." Ciara said accepting her glass back, she covered the top with her hand and walked off.

"You really gave her another glass?" I asked Kane.

"Oh heck naw, that is flat cherry soda that I brought just in case of this. I'm not letting her have more then three glasses of alcohol in one night." He said.

"Don't you think she'll taste the difference?" Rain asked.

"Nah, I've known her long enough to know that around her third to forth glass she starts to not really taste the difference in things. And there is nothing really harmful in soda, so that's my friendly little way of telling her to maybe cut back a bit."

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