1. The type of pain does not matter; the important thing is that the pain experienced is unpleasant. Because anger never occurs in isolation but rather is necessarily preceded by painful feelings, it is often characterized as a ''secondhand" emotion.
1. No importa el tipo de dolor; lo importante es que el dolor experimentado es desagradable. Debido a que la ira nunca ocurre aisladamente, sino que está necesariamente precedida por sentimientos dolorosos, a menudo se caracteriza como una emoción "de segunda mano".
2. When two people have a fight, the angrier one tends to be wrong. Anger can cloud judgement.
2. Cuando dos personas se pelean, la más enojada tiende a equivocarse. La ira puede nublar el juicio.
3. Some people develop an unconscious habit of transforming almost all of their vulnerable feelings into anger so they can avoid having to deal with them.
3. Algunas personas desarrollan el hábito inconsciente de transformar casi todos sus sentimientos vulnerables en ira para evitar tener que lidiar con ellos.
4. Anger generally does not resolve or address the problems that made you feel fearful or vulnerable in the first place, and it can create new problems, including social and health issues.
4. La ira generalmente no resuelve ni aborda los problemas que lo hicieron sentir temeroso o vulnerable en primer lugar, y puede crear nuevos problemas, incluidos los sociales y de salud.
5. Someone who becomes angry easily, over silly things, subconsciously desires to be loved.
5. Alguien que se enoja fácilmente por tonterías, inconscientemente desea ser amado.
Psychological Facts (English/Español)
Non-FictionA book filled with psychological facts for those who are interested in majoring in psychology or you just want to learn something new and interesting. __________________________________________________________________________________________________...