Here We Go Again

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This is a Prologue so it might be shorter than other characters I am planning to release :3


Time: 21:00/9:00pm (2 years before present day)
Location: Eggman's Lair

"I told you, this ruby that you are about to see will give you more power than you could possibly imagine." Dr Eggman explained again to the lone jackal, the jackal seemed to be interested in this ruby that Eggman had, but his mind drifted off to other things like his squad who were brutally murdered by a shadowy figure. His blue and orangey yellow eyes darted around the interior of the industrial but very clean base of operations that Eggman had. The walls were lined with statues of his relatives.
"Now I understand your recent loss, I remember giving you lot assignments to do certain jobs for me. You and your crew did wonders for...." it was there that the jackal cut the doctor off from his speech.

"If you do not wish to have your base destroyed when I get this ruby. Then I suggest you keep your fat gob shut." The jackal growled and bared his sharp teeth to the doctor.
"Oh yes, sorry. Look with this ruby you will be able to get revenge on this shadowy figure once and for all. But you will be under my command, just like back then." The doctor smirked under his moustache, he then walked to a large iron door and opened it with the key pad on the side.

Once the doors opened, it lead into a very spacious room with a crimson glow in the middle of it, the red glare the ruby gave off was enough to light the whole room, the doctor then put on some protective goggles and handed them to the jackal.
"You will need these." He looked down at him but the jackal swatted them away with a growl. "Or not." The doctor corrected himself and gulped softly, but the doctor knew something that the jackal did not. The ruby would basically combine with his body and melt his skin around it. This was perfect to create a killing machine.

As the two approached the ruby, the jackal noticed that it was encased in a reinforced glass case, the doctor pulled out a remote which he then started to use it to move the case up.
"Touch it." The doctor smirked and stood back to let the jackal touch it.
The jackal shrugged and lifted a hand, he then touched it and a bright white light filled the room, then came along sounds of agony and pain from the jackal. Soon the bright light went away and the room became dark, and on the floor was the jackal, but there was something different about him. The ruby had fused with his chest and he was knocked out.

The doctor snapped his fingers and two of his robots entered into the room and picked up the unconscious jackal, the doctor walked away from the room and to his office, sitting down he looked at the plans he had drafted.
"Soon my super weapon will be complete, I just need to train this jackal. He is already strong enough in hand to hand combat, imagine how powerful he would be with the ruby." The doctor was talking into a microphone and recorded it. "This will be my best plan yet to get rid of that sonic and his team once and for all!" He cackled and turned his chair to look out of the large window.


2 weeks later

The Doctor looked down into the training room to see the jackal inside.
"Now. You are to complete your training here, if you can learn to defend yourself and attack others with the power of the ruby and also to program my robots, I shall let you out." The doctor smiled and slammed his fist onto the defence test. "Now defend yourself. You know how to summon things now fight to stay alive." The doctor grinned.

The jackal then summoned some swords, he then started to swing them around, the crimson blades started to slice the robots, the concentrated power in the ruby made the swords melt through the robots like a hot knife through butter. More robots started to appear and crowd him, the jackal growled and let out a shockwave from his chest, the shockwave caused an EMP blast and also sliced the robots in half.

Eggman smirked as he watched what happened, he then brought back the power with the backup generator.
"Good, good my friend, now onto the attack phase." The doctor started to type in some commands and the training room turned into an accurate simulation of the camp that sonic and his friends would live in. "You are to find and destroy the replicas of Sonic and his friends, the replicas are equivalent to the real versions of themselves, so it will be quite difficult but i know you can do it." The doctor sat back in his chair and watched.

The jackal flew up into the air and landed onto a fake tree, he started to scan the area beneath him with his hawk like eyes, with a smirk he charged up a beam in his hands and then split it into both of his hands, he then threw them down to destroy the rather large huts, he then teleported behind the fake tails and ripped its head off, the fake sonic attacked but the jackal dodged the attacks and used the power of the ruby to punch a spike right through the robot, the other 'members' attacked but the jackal got rid of them with quick succession. Soon 'Knuckles' came onto the scene and put up his fists, the jackal reprogrammed the fake sonic with his red cubes and sent it after the fake knuckles. He had passed all tests.

"Excellent, my super... my friend." The doctor smirked. Now, i have made some modifications to your ruby. Tap on it and something special will happed.
The jackal looked up at the doctor and tilted his head, he then tapped the ruby and a flash of light came out, a helmet formed on the jackals head, the lenses let out a red light. Shoes then formed onto his feet and gloves on his hands. "What is this?" The jackal asked and folded his arms.

"That is your new battle suit. And your code name is 1nf1n17e or for a simple translation. Infinite." The doctor smirked. "Now to the lab, we have programming to do." The doctor smiled and walked out of the room.


Hope you guys liked this chapter, because more will be on the way :3

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