Chapter 6 - Class 1-A

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You walked out of your apartment building and saw both Bakugo and Shinso standing there. Bakugo still looked pissed. You smiled, fixing your U.A. Skirt.

"Still sulking?" You asked as you walked up to them. Bakugo growled and Shinso smirked.

"Guess he can't except that I beat him a week ago." Shinso said. Bakugo looked at him and you heard popping coming from his hands.

"Shut up Plum!" Bakugo yelled. Shinso put his finger to his chin like he was thinking but shook his head.

"No, I don't think I will Sandy." He said, making Bakugo growl. You laughed at them and Bakugo looked forward, kicking a rock as he walked, mumbling to himself. Shinso smirked in victory.

"I'm glad we are all in the same class." You say before you felt something touch your butt and you froze. You turned but didn't see anyone but you could still feel it. Bakugo and Shinso also stopped and looked at you.

"Your ass feels great." You heard and gave a small shiver as you felt your butt being squeezed. You let out a scream and felt the hands move off you and Shinso grabbed you, holding you close to him. You looked as you held your butt, tears in your eyes and saw a small guy with purple balls on his head behind held by Bakugo.

"What the hell are you doing touching my sis?" Bakugo asked in a low, angry tone. The boy looked scared but he was wearing a U.A. Uniform.

"F-Feeling her ass." He said. Bakugo glared at him and made his hands start to pop with his explosion quirk.

"You touch her again and your dead!" Bakugo yelled and throw him. He hit a building and Bakugo walked up to you.

"You OK sis?" He asked. You gave a nod. Shinso let you go.

"Lets go and hope he isn't in our class." Shinso said and gave a glare at the guy. You gave a nod and let your butt go as you walked with them and sighed.

"I have never been groped before. It was horrible." You say. Bakugo put his hand on your head, giving you a few pats.

"He won't touch you again. Plum and I will keep you safe." Bakugo said. You smiled at them both and soon, you saw the U.A. high school building.

"Wow." You say as you walk in. Finding class 1-A was easy and you were the first ones in. You sat near the back with Bakugo to your left and Shinso to your right and were talking to them both. Soon, Midoriya walked in and you waved at him. He waved back and you saw a girl behind him. Soon, the class was filled and you were happy that guy that groped you wasn't in the class. You then saw the man from the gadget walk in.

"Sit down and be quiet." He said and everyone listened.

"My name is Mr. Aizawa. I'm a pro-hero but right I'm your homeroom teacher. Now I want to test your quirks. Unlike in middle school, you have to use your quirks here. Get into your PE uniform and meet me outside. Don't keep me waiting." He said and left. You stood and walked with the girls. Once dressed and outside you see Mr. Aizawa.

"You." He says and tosses a ball to Bakugo, who catches it.

"Using your quirk, throw it." Mr. Aizawa said. Bakugo walked up and looked at him. He then smirked and looked forward again.

"You asked for it." He said and got ready.

"Die!" Bakugo yelled at the top of his lungs, using his explosion to launch the ball. Mr. Aizawa looked at a device.

"Not bad." He said and showed that Bakugo threw it seven hundred and five meters. Bakugo smirked and walked up to you and Shinso.

"And that's how its done." He said. You smiled at Bakugo. Soon, everyone went. Shinso used his quirk to control Bakugo, who threw it again but it was counted as Shinso throwing it because Shinso said that he was allowed to use his quirk. Bakugo wasn't to happy about that but at the end of the day, Bakugo, you and Shinso were the top three students in the class. You all were walking home right now.

"That was so fun! Did you see how far I throw that ball! My personal best." You say. Shinso and Bakugo laughed.

"Sure, if you think thirty meters is good." Bakugo said. You growled at him.

"Well sorry that I don't have the strength of a phoenix." You yelled at him.

"I think you did well." Shinso said. You smiled at him.

"Thanks. I think so also. I used my flames to launch myself forward during the dash race and with the back and forth jumps." You say. Shinso smiled as he looked at you, blushing a bit. Bakugo saw that and smiled. You saw your place.

"See you guys tomorrow." You said, waving and walking in. Shinso turned but Bakugo grabbed his arm. Shinso looked at Bakugo and Bakugo let him go.

"Everything OK Bakugo?" He asked. Bakugo leaned on a wall.

"You like her." Bakugo said. Shinso looked shocked and blushed.

"W-What? No." He said. Bakugo looked at him.

"I know you do. I have seen that look before. A lot of guys liked her in middle school but it was just because of her dad. If you like her, I would be OK with you guys dating." He said and smiled. Shinso blushed.

"I-I just met her like, a week or so ago. I don't know what you mean." Shinso said. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"It's called a crush Plum. Anyway, I'm heading home. Hag needs me to make dinner." Bakugo said and left. Shinso was left there, blushing still and looked at the ground.

'A-A crush?' Shinso thought. Was that possible for someone you barely know?

~else where~

A man was putting his newly developed photos of the girl, who he was calling darling, on his wall. He took a step back and smiled.

"Lovey. She is so cute. Wish I knew her name." He says, moving his blue hair to get a better look at the photos. He then heard a knock and looked as the door opened.

"Shigaraki. He wishes to speak with you." A man made of purple mist says. Shigaraki nods and takes one of the photos and walks. He sees the screen.

"Master." Shigaraki said.

"Shigaraki. I found out that All Might will be at a place called the U.S.J in a few weeks. A Nomu is ready to take him out." A voice said. Shigaraki smirked.

"Perfect but master I have a question." He said.

"Speak." The voice said. Shigaraki held the photo of the girl up.

"I want her. Can I have her?" Shigaraki said. He heard his master laugh.

"Yes, yes. You may have who ever you wish." The voice said. Shigaraki smiled and looked at the photo. It was of you laughing but the two boys in the picture were burnt off.

"She is mine." He said and laughed.

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