Chapter 4 - (y/n)'s past

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"Fear not! The city is saved!" All Might said. He smiled and ran off. He went into an alleyway and turned into his weaken formed. It was how he could move around and not be caught. He would always have this form but was thankful that the fight he had with a villain long ago didn't kill him or leave him to a point where he couldn't be a hero anymore. He gave a stretch but stopped when he heard a cry in the same alleyway. He looked and saw a bundle of blankets which were moving. He bent down and moved them, seeing a baby. His eyes got wide and he picked it up and looked around.

"Hello?" He called out but no one answered. He looked down at the baby again and sighed. He didn't want to go to the hospital so he went to recovery girl. He knew if he took it to the hospital, he wouldn't find out anything about this baby because he only found it and he was worried about it. He looked down and saw the baby was reaching for something and grabbing its mouth before it would start to cry. He did a quick check on it's exposed skin and it seems like it wasn't hurt. It looked like a new born, maybe only a few hours old.

"It's OK. Shush." He said in a calm and soothing voice but it didn't stop crying. He walked into U.A. and went to the nurses office.

"Recovery girl." All Might said but she was already walking up to him. Her eyes got wide.

"What happened?" She asked and took the baby from him.

"Not sure. I found it in the alleyway. It doesn't look hurt." He said. She looked the baby over, just in case.

"She, not it and she is hungry." She said and looked at All Might.

"Go to the store and buy her baby formula for a new born baby, some dippers for a newborn, and a bottle. Hurry." She said. All Might gave a nod and ran off. She looked at the child and placed it on the bed but she kept crying. All Might ran in with a bag, and three boxes not to long after.

"They had them in weight so I got them all." All Might said. Recovery girl gave a nod as she made the food and put it near the babies mouth. She took it and started to drink as All Might put the boxes down and watched. He saw her looking around and looked at him. He saw she was staring at him now. Her arms then moved up and down and kicked her legs as she ate. Was she happy? Was she upset? He was worried something was wrong.

"She was abandoned, wasn't she?" All Might asked. Recovery girl looked at him before she gave a nod. She then took his hand and made him grab the bottle.

"Hold it." She said and let go. All Might looked worried but watched the baby who still was watching him and smiled at her. The baby reaches up and hit his hand a bit as she ate. His heart jumped at that and he smiled.

"She's cute." He said. Recovery girl smiled and got the right size dipper on her. She knew he was lonely, never really having a family from before. Once the bottle was empty, he moved it but he saw she looked like she was going to cry again before she did start to cry.

"Now pick her up, minding her head and put her on your shoulder. Pat her back very gently to burp her." Recovery girl said as she watched him. He did as she said and soon heard a small burp. He moved her and held her, supporting her head. The baby made a gargling sound and seemed to be reached for him. He smiled.

"I think I will name you (y/n)." Yagi said and held you in his arms as he sat and wiggled his finger in front of you, causing you to reach up and try and grab them before you let out a yawn. 

~Five years later~

Yagi walked up to the school, only to see (y/n) wiping blood off her mouth.

"You don't hurt my friend!" You yelled as some boys ran off. Yagi stopped and watched. He had talk to her about getting into fights. You turned and looked at a boy with blond hair who was on the ground and was dirty. You walked up and held your hand out.

"You OK Bakugo?" She asked. He growled and slapped your hand away.

"I-I didn't need your help." He said and stood, wiping his bloody mouth. You smiled.

"I know but it wasn't a fair fight. I wanted to help you and make it even. Two against you, one against me." You say. He looked at you before he sighed and gave a nod. Yagi smiled at that and  walked up.

"(y/n)." He called. You look and smiled, running up to him.

"Hi Daddy!" You yelled and hugged him leg. He smiled, patting your back and looked at the boy.

"Who's this?" He asked. You let him go and looked at Bakugo.

"His names Bakugo. He got his quirk first, even before me!" You say. Bakugo smiled proudly.

"Well, how about we get you both home." He says and takes your hand. Bakugo gave a nod and followed. You looked at him, smiling and started to talk to him about his family before you sighed and got sad.

"Your lucky Bakugo. You have a mom." You say. Bakugo looked confused and looked up at Yagi.

"She was adopted." Yagi said. You gave a nod.

"Yeah. Daddy says he found me and raised me but I always wanted a mom." You say and pout. Bakugo crossed his arms.

"Well, my mom can be a bit much for just me. She can be your mom too if you want." He says. You smile at him.

"Really?" You asked. He nods. Yagi holds in a laugh. He forgot that kids were so innocent.

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