Chapter 9 - First

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You were sitting on the bus. Right now your classmates were talking to the Tv reporters except you, Bakugo and Shinso. You were looking at the hand that Shigaraki held.

'He could have killed me.' You thought but your thoughts were interrupted when Shinso took your hand again and you looked at him.

"You're here, not there." Shinso said. You gave a nod and leaned on him. He made you feel safe but you couldn't hide the fear you had.

"(y-y/n)?" Shinso asked and you looked at him. He was blushing a bit.

"I was going to ask you before all this but, well, did you want to go out?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. You blushed more and moved a bit, looking at him better. He looked worried but you smiled and gave a nod.

"Y-Yeah." You said. He looked shocked but smiled. He then moved his hand from his neck and pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back.

"Finally." Bakugo said. You looked at him and stuck your tongue out at him and he laughed as you smiled. They truly did help you and soon, the U.S.J was nothing but a bad memory and Mr. Aziawa just announced the Sports festival in class before you were all released. It would start in a few days so you sighed as you walked home with Shinso and Bakugo. You were holding Shinso's hand.

"Man, I'm nervous for the festival. What if I don't do good?" You ask. Bakugo laughed.

"It will be hard for any one to do good with me there. I will wipe the companion." Bakugo said. You looked at him.

"If you don't get your ass handed to you by me." You say. He laughed.

"Your the only one that I would be OK with beating me. Everyone else though will be going down, including you Plum." Bakugo said. You rolled your eyes and looked at Shinso. He looked scared.

"What if I get transferred out?" He asks. You smile and bring his hand to your mouth, kissing it.

"You won't. Your amazing and the heroes will all see that." You say. He looks and smiles at you. He moves and kisses your cheek.

"Man you guys are mussy. I'm going home to train. See you later sis, Plum." Bakugo said and left. You laughed and saw your apartment complex.

"See you later Shinso. I know you can kick ass." You say before you walk but he doesn't let your hand go. You look at him and he's blushing again.

"(y/n), wait." He says. You don't move but he walks up and leans down, kissing you on the lips. You close your eyes and kiss him back before he pulls away.

"I wanted to give you more kisses. The truth is I'm scared that I will lose you." He says. You smile and kiss him again.

"You won't. I will see you tomorrow." You say before you let his hand go and walk up the stairs.

~Else where~

Shigaraki was growling as he watched that boy kiss his darling. He saw (y/n) leave and stood, ready to kill the kid when he felt a hand and looked. It was Kurogiri's hand coming from one of his warp gates. Shigaraki was then pulled in gently and the warp gate closed.

"Shigaraki." He heard and turned, seeing the screen.

"Master." Shigaraki said.

"I want you to watch the sports festival. I want you to study the kids." His master said. Shigaraki was silent.

"Your darling will be in them." He said. Shigaraki looked at the screen. He then smiled.

"Then yes. I know my darling will win and I will kill that kid that stole her first kiss later." He said and laughed. He couldn't see his masters face but if he did, he would see him smiling. This was going better then he planed.

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