Chapter 20 - Training Camp Day 2

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You, along with your class walked out into an open field and were told what to do. It was very simple, but pushed you all to your limits. For half of the day, Shinso had to work on changing his voice back and forth between Tigers and Pixie-bobs voice and you had to use your wings to fly high into the air, then fall, only to fly up again before you hit the ground. 

"(y/n)!" Tiger yelled and you flew down, landing but you were breathing hard. Your blood was on fire but you looked at him. He pointed to a building. 

"That's the flame house. Go in and use your flames. I want you to keep doing it till I tell you stop. Your blood and body has to get use to the heat but I want you off the ground so use your wings also." Tiger said. You gave a nod and flew over, walking in and shut the door. You saw a lot of ash everywhere and took in a deep breath. You flew and hovered off the ground before you used your flames. Soon the whole place was on fire. Your insides felt like they were cooking and you let out a small scream but it slowly grew. It was so painful but you knew this wouldn't kill you. It only hurts but it also didn't stop you from screaming in pain. 

"(y/n)." You heard in your mind. You had tears but you know it was Mandalay. 

"Stop the flames. We are done for the day." You heard her say. You fell to the ground and your flames died down before you walked out, sweating and breathing hard. You saw the others and walked with them. 

"Now you all will be making your own food. We have everything ready." Mr. Aizawa said and everyone but you groaned. You walked and started to get the firewood. 

"Hey, since you cooked yesterday, you should rest." Momo said. You looked at her and smiled. 

"It's OK. I want to help." You say and walk over, helping Bakugo cut the vegetables. Shino walked over and was cooking the rice and soon, everyone fell into doing their part. After the food was done, everyone started to eat. 

"I know we went yesterday, but lets go to the hot springs again after we eat. Mr. Aizawa said we can go to the extra classes after." Ashido said. You looked and smiled. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea." You and the others agree and soon, you all found yourself relaxing in the hot springs. 

"So, (y/n)." Uraraka said and you looked at her. 

"How far have you and Shinso gone?" She asked. You blushed and the other girls got close. 

"U-Uraraka!" You shout. She smiled. 

"Come on, tell us!" She said, shaking you. You blush more and stop her. 

"O-OK!" You shout and sigh. 

"W-We have only kissed OK." You say. The girls seems a bit disappointed.

"We were thinking you had gone further." Jiro asked. You looked and shook your head. 

"N-No. We haven't had time and besides, if he wants to..." You stop and blush more. 

"I-I wouldn't mind." you say. The laughed and you blushed more before you stood. 

"I'm done and tired. I will see you girls tomorrow." You say and get out. You dry yourself off and get dressed before you walk out. You sigh and walk to the dorms but your grabbed and pulled, pinned to a wall. You see it was Shinso. He was in his bathrobes and his hair was wet.

"I heard you." He said. You face turned red but he leaned in and kissed you deeply. You kissed him back and he held you before he pulled back a bit. 

"I wouldn't mind doing more but not yet." He said. You smiled and kissed him again. You both stayed there, making out before you both had to leave and sleep.              

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