Chapter 5 - Stalking

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Mitsuki smiled as she finishes.

"And that's why I'm mom now and I have been mom ever since." She said. Shinso was smiling. That was very sweet really.

"So are they dating?" Shinso asked. Mitsuki gave a small laugh.

"Them? No. I asked Bakugo if he wanted to but he said it would be weird to date his sister. They know that they aren't really siblings, but to them, they are blood related." She said and stood.

"Come on. Lets get some food." She said. Shinso gave a nod and stood. He walks out and sees you putting a fork down on the plate and giggling. Bakugo turned, looking mad.

"Dammit (y/n), stop it! Your so annoying!" He yelled and put the fork back on the napkin. You laughed and looked at Shinso.

"Hey. I placed you in between Bakugo and I." You say. Shinso smiles and you couldn't help but see how happy he was. He then sits down.

"You seem happy." Bakugo said as he looked at him and sat as you sat on his other side.

"I guess I never thought I would have friends like this." He said. Bakugo smirked.

"I know, I am pretty great." He said. You laughed.

"Yeah, great at yelling." You say. His smirk turning into a glare.

"What did you say!" He yelled. Shinso tried to hold in a laugh but he couldn't and started to laugh. Bakugo growled and screamed at him to stop laughing and soon, everyone was eating. After dinner, you and Bakugo exchanged numbers with Shinso and made a group chat between you three. Shinso also walked you home before he would head home. He said he wanted to make sure you were safe. Neither of you saw the flashes of a camera.

~One Week later.~

You are sitting on the couch, phone in hand.

You: Hey guys. Anything yet?

Shinso: No but you know we got in.

Bakugo: Shut up Plum. Some of us didn't get in on a recommendation.

Shinso: Plum? oh, the hair. Should I call you sandy? Like the beach?

Bakugo: Do it and die!

You couldn't help but laugh when a knock came and you walked to the door. Your father was out doing hero work today so you were alone. You saw it was the package from U.A. and smiled. You took it and closed the door and took your phone out.

You: Got mine. Will let you guys know what class I'm in.

You hit send and opened the package, seeing a gadget. You pushed the button and saw a guy with black hair, a white scarf and he looked tired. He gave a yawn. OK, maybe he was tired. 

"Hi. Because you are the daughter of All Might and one of two recommendations to the school I will be your homeroom teacher. Class 1-A. Class is in a week. Don't be late." He said and it turned off. You smiled and took your phone out.

You: I'm in class 1-A. I'm going to go get my uniform and drop off my paper work if you guys want to join me in an hour. 

You then walked out your door after an hour of you filling the paperwork with your bag and walked down but once outside, you saw the guy you bumped into a week ago. He looked like he was waiting. You didn't say anything or look at him to long and walked but you could feel his eyes on you and knew he was watching you as you walked but you didn't get far.

"Excuse me." You heard. You stopped and looked at him. He still had his head down and all you saw was the blue hair.

"Yes?" You asked in a nervous tone. He moved and walked up to you. He made you feel uneasy. 

"I was wondering what your name was." He said. You felt your phone buzz. You took it from your pocket, knowing it was a text.

"Hello?" You said, pretending to answer the phone. You heard him growl softly and turned, walking away. You sighed once he was gone and looked your phone again.

Shinso: I'm class 1-A also. sorry for texting late, was filling out the from.

Shinso: Form*

Bakugo: Same. We will meet you there. Hey plum, bet I can beat you.

Shinso: Your on Sandy.

You wanted to laugh but you looked at the guy that was walking away. He didn't hurt you but you didn't trust him and he made you nervous. How did he know you lived here? 

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