Chapter 27 - Evil Plot

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You felt a kiss on your cheek and your eyes opened. you then saw Shigaraki hovering over you and you quickly backed up. He chuckled. 

"Its ok Darling. I have my hands taped." He said and sat on the bed, holding up his hands. He then reached next to him and grabbed a shirt and pants. 

"I got you a new outfit. Try it on." He said and handed them to you. You took them, putting on the shirt. Any clothes would be better then being naked. As you stood, you felt pain and sat. 

"Ow." You said and had tears. You then felt him wrap his arms around you. 

"I'm sorry. I thought the two people you were always with had raped you so I enter you to fast. I know it hurts." He says. You look away and slowly move so he had to let you go and you put the pants on. Good thing was both the pants and shirt were your size. He then took your hand with the bracelet and held it up. 

"We made you a new bracelet for now. This one is special because only Kurogiri and I can remove it but if anyone other then us tries, even you, spikes will come out. It won't kill you but it will hurt like a bitch." He said and stood, still holding your hand. 

"Come on, I want to show you our home." He said. You stood and followed, not sure what else to do. Once out the door, you see a few people sitting around. 

"Is this the girl?" One asked. Shigaraki gave a nod. 

"Yep. Isn't she cute. Kurogiri, can I get food for her?" Shigaraki said and had you sit on a couch as Kurogiri left. You saw the guy with staples looking at you. 

"I can see why you like her but she stinks of a hero." He said. Shigaraki laughed. 

"Yes but she's not a hero." He says and places his hand on your head. 

"My darling is a true villain. She and I love each other and I know she will help with our plan. Once All might is dead, the other heroes will soon fall then the villains will run not only this country, but the whole world!" Shigaraki said and laughed. The others either laughed with him or grinned but you had tears. Your hope of escaping was getting thinner and thinner. Kurogiri then walked back and handed you a plate of food. You slowly ate, trying not to show your fear as the laughing slowed to nothing. 

"How long before we attack?" A girl asked. Shigaraki sat by you and leaned back on the couch. 

"Well Toga, I was going to have you and Dabi send a message, letting the heroes know that my darling is finally with us." Shigaraki said as Kurogiri took your empty plate and Shigaraki pulled you onto his lap and held you close to him. You didn't fight him. Without your quirk, you could take down maybe one of these villains but all of them at the same time would in a death wish on you. 

"And after we take it over? Can we kill all we want?" Dabi asked. Shigaraki gave a nod. 

"Of course but not the children. We will raise them all to be villains. This country will be the epicenter for the villains." Shigaraki said and moved one of his hands to your stomach. 

"And it will begin with my child." He said and your eyes grew wide and you looked at him. 

"Child? didn't...tell me you wore..." You started but you couldn't finish the questions. Shigaraki smiled.

"Don't worry my darling. I made sure to wear protection. A child is something we have to talk about." He said and kissed your cheek. 

"I would never do anything against your will." He said. You had fresh tears. 

'Except kidnap me, rape me and hold me here against my will.' You think and wipe your eyes. you just wanted this nightmare to be over. 

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