Chapter 32 - Back to School

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You got dressed into your uniform. Today marked the last day of U.A but your first day back. Everyone said you could skip today but you wanted to go back. You had not only missed the three months when the league had you, but also one month when you were with the police and therapy. You wanted to go back and be with your friends, your bother and most of all, Shinso. 

"(y/n)!" Yagi called and you walked out of your room, smiling at him as you walked up. He smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged back just as tight.

"Have a good day. I'm happy your back home." He said and kissed the top of your head. You gave a nod as he let you go and walked out of your home, only to see Bakugo and Shinso waiting. You smiled and gave Bakugo a hug first.

"How are you doing sis. Still having nightmares?" Bakugo asked. You hugged him tighter. 

"Yeah. A bit. They say that's why I can't be in the dorms yet." You say and let him go before you hug Shinso. You hug him longer then Bakugo.        

"I love you." Shinso said. You smiled and pulled back, kissing him. After you pulled away, you took his hand and walked with them both. 

"So guess what?" Bakugo asked. You looked at him. 

"What?" You asked. He looked and smiled at you. 

"Mom said your welcome to stay a few nights at our house if you want to get away from dad." He said. You smiled. It would be nice to be with your mom and brother because your father was being a bit over protective.

"Thank you. I will take you up on that." You said and you felt Shinso squeezes your hand a bit. 

"Plum is coming also." Bakugo said and you looked at him. He smiled and gave a nod. Your smile grew. This is what you needed. To be with friends and family, not being cooped up in a house or office. Once you reached U.A though, everything was quiet. Once in 1-A, the room was empty. You looked around but all you saw was writing on the chalk board. 

Everyone. Meet in the cafeteria.

That was what was written. You looked at Bakugo and Shinso but then only shrugged and you walked with them to the cafeteria. Once in, you saw the whole school in there. First, Second, and Third years. You also saw all the teachers. You had tears as you saw a banner that read Welcome back (y/n)

"Y-You guys did this for me?" You asked. Mr. Aizawa walked up to you. 

"It was our class that came up with it but once it spread around the school, everyone wanted to be in on it to welcome you back." Mr. Aizawa said and smiled at you. You wiped your eyes and Principle Nezu walked up to you. 

"Normally the last day is when we get the final results for the tests that were taken but we gave them out yesterday so we could throw you a welcome back party." He said. You looked at him, then everyone. 

"Thank you. Thank you everyone." You said loudly so everyone could hear you and soon, you were talking with your friends. you didn't even know half the people in the room, but them being there for you still made you happy. 

"Weren't you scared though? When you were kidnapped?" Tetsutetsu from class 1-B asked. You gave a small frown and Kirishima hit him over the head. .

"You idiot! We aren't allowed to talk about it!" Kirishima yelled at him. You smiled a bit.  

"No its OK Kirishima. Yeah. I was terrified. I was scared every second." You said and soon the whole school gathered around as you talked and it got quiet expect for your voice. You told them how you were raped for months. How you killed Shigaraki and how it was Stain the hero killer who saved you. How you had to tell the police everything and how your therapy was going. Everyone was silent as you finished but you smiled. 

"Honesty, you all have helped me more then the past month of therapy." You say. You saw people smile and a few cheer. This is what you needed to heal. Not to be alone with your thoughts but to be with people you love and trust.     

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