Chapter 28 - Plan

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The class of 1-A looked at the empty seat that once held (y/n). 

"Three months man. Where could she have gone?" Kirishima asked. All Might had paid to keep her name out of the news as they searched for her but every time they looked, nothing was found. 

"It had to be that damn villain!" Bakugo yelled as he slammed his fists to the table. Shinso's hands turned into fists and he looked mad. 

"I agree with you Bakugo but if that's true then how can the heroes find her?" Shinso asked and everyone looked at him. He was shaking and they saw tears. 

"It's been three months. The last time he took her, he almost raped her but we stopped him. If no one stopped him then...then..." Shinso started but he couldn't continued.

"(y-y/n) is strong. S-she wouldn't just let it happen, right?" Momo asked but everyone was silent. Everyone feared the worst but they had hope still. 

"Alright class. That's it for the day." Mr. Aizawa said. They could tell he was worried because he was more tired then normal. The students had noticed him running out at night to help with the search for his student. Everyone stood and walked but Shinso grabbed Bakugo arm. 

"I might know someone who could help but I can't find him alone." Shinso said. Bakugo was silent before he gave a nod. 

"My room, one hour." Bakugo said and left when Shinso let him go. Shinso followed, not seeing the foot step out of the hall and the person who looked at them both. 

An hour later, Bakugo heard a knock and opened the door. Shinso walked in. 

"So, who is it that could help?" Bakugo asked and leaned on the wall. Shinso looked down. 

"The one guy that can track heroes and kill them." Shinso said. Bakugo looked shocked and Shinso looked at him. 

"If we can find the hero killer, maybe we can beg him to find (y/n)." Shinso said. Bakugo was silent but then gave a nod. 

"Then we better go now." Bakugo said and then walked from his room, only to see someone leaning on a wall and stopped. 

"Where do you think your going?" Iida asked. His arms were crossed and he looks serious. 

"No where you damn extra! Go to bed!" Bakugo yelled. Iida moved to them. 

"I over heard you both. Your going after Stain." Iida said. Bakugo and Shinso gave him both a glare. 

"I know someone who can help. Someone who had an accouter with him and lived." Iida said. Their glares softened. 

"We are going to Hosu." Iida said. 

~With you.~ 

You sat on the bed, looking at the bracelet. You didn't want to give up hope but you were starting to lose it with every passing day. You missed them. Your bother. Boyfriend. Father. Classmates. Everyone. You heard the door open and close and the bed sink a bit. You then saw his hand take yours. 

"Darling, your quiet today." Shigaraki said. You looked at him. His head was leaning on your back so all you saw was his hair but every time you did see him, the hate you felt for him rose. You look away from him, wishing you could act on it. 

"I'm sorry. I was thinking of my friends and family." You say. He chuckled. 

"We are your friends and I'm your family." He said and kissed your cheek. You had given up on fighting him the first few days and just blocked him out when he raped you. 

"But I do know your probably bored of seeing the four walls in this place. Once we rule this land, you can spend time outside." Shigaraki said and holds you closer. 

"But for now. Why don't we make a child?" He asks. You flinch a bit. 

"I-I'm not ready." You said. He sighed. 

"Darling. I want us to have a child. Why do you keep saying no when it will only bring us closer?" He asked. You look at him. 

"You said you wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do. I'm not ready to be a mother." You said. Shigaraki sighed but gave a nod. 

"Your right, I did say that." He said and cupped your cheek.

"But promise me that once we take over, you and I will have a child. Promise me that." He said. You were silent. You wanted to say no but if he did ever succeed, your father, Shinso and Bakugo would be killed. You slowly gave a nod. 

"OK." You say. He smiled and turns you, pulling you onto his lap and kissed your neck. 

"Ride me, my darling." He said and pulled at your shirt. You felt dirty as he said and did that but if you fought, it would only cause you more pain. He raped you every day but still gave you space when your time started every month. That week was the only time you felt something other then sadness or anger. It was the only time you felt some kind of joy.          

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