Chapter 27

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I jump awake when I hear my phone ring. I grab my phone off the table, unplugging it. I look at the caller ID: Rafe Cameron. I had no idea why he was calling at this hour. I slide the green button over, answering the phone.

"Hello?" My voice comes out groggy and thick with sleep.

"Mila?" Rafe's voice wavers as he speaks. Concern rises in my chest.

"Rafe? What's going on?"

"I need your help. Can you come over?" He was breathing oddly fast and kept sniffling.

"Right now? Rafe, it's 2 in the morning."

"I messed up." He mumbles. "Mila.."

"Are you high?"

"Sorta, I was a bit ago."

"I told you I wasn't gonna be involved in that. I can't."

"Mila.." I could hear that he was crying.

"Rafe. Tell me what's happening." I demand.

"I scored some drugs. But the drug dealer beat the shit out of me. I'm bleeding."

"How bad?"

"There's a lot of blood."

"Shit." I sigh. "Fine, this is a one time thing and if I catch you using again we're done. Understood?"


I grab my keys and throw on my shoes. I open my door, making no sound and slowly make my way to the front door. Making sure nobody wakes up. I open the door and lock it behind me before making it down to my car.

I feel my heart race as I drive down to Rafe's house. I knew he would be incredibly difficult to work with. When I get there I walk in through the back door that was left unlocked.

I quietly make my way up to Rafe's room. I find him on the floor. His hair was a mess, his pupils were dilated. I look down at the blood stain that had dyed his white t-shirt. I bend down in front of him.

I grab his hand, looking at him. "Rafe? I need you to stand up for me. Can you do that?"

He nods, allowing me to pull him to his feet. I wrap an arm around his shoulder to help him get to his bathroom. I sit him down on the toilet.

"How long ago did you use?"

"Two hours."

"Good, that's good. You're not high right now. I grab his face, cupping his cheeks. His eyes connect with mine.

"I don't wanna be an addict anymore." His eyes brim with tears.

"I'm gonna help you, okay? Listen to me, I won't give up on you, I lo- I care about you, Rafe." I press my lips to his.

"Don't fall in love with me." He says seriously.

"I'll try." I tell him, I could feel my heart break in my chest.

"You shouldn't love me. I'm a mess."

"We're all a little messy sometimes." I reach down to pull his shirt off, to find the source of the bleeding.

"He swiped me with a knife." Rafe explains.

"It's not that deep." I notice. "You won't need stitches."

I grab the hand towel from the counter and get it wet. I turn back to Rafe. I wipe the excess blood that had smeared around the wound, cleaning it up. He winces as the towel goes over the cut.

"Sorry." I mumble continuing to work. I grab gauze and and tape it over the wound.

I move to clean the other cuts on his face. He grabs my hand, stopping me. "Let me, you've done enough." He walks over to the mirror and cleans himself up.

When he finishes he turns back to me. He moves over to me quickly, crashing his lips against mine.

"Rafe, we're signing you up for outpatient rehab."


"You have to make the call and sign up tomorrow. You have to actively try."

"I know, Mi. I will. I want to get better. I wanna be better for you. I can't put you through this anymore, it tears me apart."

"Okay, baby." I place a hand on his cheek. "I have to get home. Will you be okay tonight?" He nods. "Call me if you need anything."

I press a kiss to his lips before going back down to my car. I drive home and sneak back inside. The light to the living room flicks on. My dad sits in the rocking chair looking at me.

"I can explain." I say instantly.

"Let me hear it."

"A friend was having a hard time and they needed me."

"You didn't tell anybody where you went."

"I had to leave in a hurry."

"Mila." My dad says shortly.

"I've been seeing Rafe Cameron. He was hurt in an accident and I went to help him. He's getting help, Dad, I promise."

"Mila, I need you to be incredibly careful. The Cameron's are dangerous family. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad. I know."

"Go to bed."

I nod and go to my room. I lay down and fall asleep quickly, exhausted from tonight.

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