Chapter 33

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Rafe pulls up behind a familiar van. He follows it a couple blocks before he drives up next to the drivers window.

"Rafe, what are you doing?" I ask.

"This'll only take a second."

"No, Cameron."

He ignores me, yelling at John B through his open window. "Hey, pull that piece of shit over!" I bury my head in Rafe's back, embarrassed of his actions. Rafe speeds up, pulling in front of the van. His tires screech as he hits the breaks, getting the van to stop.

A terrified scream escapes my lips. My grip around Rafe tightens. I feared John B wouldn't be able to stop in time and hit us. Rafe climbs off the bike, walking up to Sarah. I step off, walking a few feet away, taking my helmet off. My hands were shaking from the near accident.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sarah demands, angrily.

Rafe pulls the visor of his helmet up, looking at his sister. "There she is! Little Miss Perfect!"

"Hello? Are you high?" Sarah grabs Rafe's hand, pulling him further away from the van and his bike.

"What? Oh, no."

"Damn it, we could have ran you over." Sarah throws his hand. "You could've gotten Mila Killed."

Rafe pulls off his helmet. "I wouldn't let anything happen to her." Rafe shakes his head. "I just heard about your little home invasion."

"What are you talking about?" Sarah asks in denial.

"What would Dad say if he knew you rob dealers?"

"I don't know. Maybe you could tell him if he didn't kick you out."

I knew what Rafe was doing. He was trying to get validation from his dad through Sarah. He wanted to be the one to tell Ward that Sarah wasn't so perfect. He wanted to be the good guy.

"I tried to take care of my little sister...

"That's a lie."

"...who's ungrateful, as always. Listen, the guy that you robbed is a bad man, Sarah."

"Yeah, I'm aware, Rafe!" Sarah yells.

"Listen! He gave me this, okay?" Rafe shows her the scarring burn on his arm. "He gave me this for being late on a payment."

"Because you wanted to buy a stupid bike!"

"Listen to me! Listen to me!" Rafe tells his sister.

I step in, pushing Rafe a step back. "Cameron, chill!"

"You stole from him, all right? What do you think he's gonna do to you or your Pogue boyfriend? He's already threatened Mila!"

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare!"

"Oh, yeah?" Don't think I don't know what you've been doing, all right?"

"Rafe, come on. Just let them be." I beg, pulling on his arm.

"Mila! Do you understand the trouble you guys could be in? You guys have to know, he's fucking dangerous!"

"We know, baby. Let's just go home, please."

"You have to give him the money back!"

"Okay, calm down!" I yell.

"I'd give Barry his money back, like, yesterday."

"You worry about your shit, I'll worry about mine!" Sarah shouts at him.

"All right, I'm taking care of my own shit, okay?" Rafe yells angrily. I push him a step back, keeping him in front of me. "And one day, I'm gonna be running the show Sarah, and... You're gonna wish you were nicer to me then."

"Why don't you give me a save-the-date on that? You psycho!" Sarah asks sarcastically.

I grab Rafe's face, getting him to look at me. His eyes lock on my own. I could tell he was bugging out and about to have an episode. "Hey, Cameron. Listen to me." He tries to pull away to keep yelling at Sarah. "Baby, listen to me!" He looks back at me.

"Let's just go home, okay? Please." He shakes his head, freeing himself from the aggression.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"It's okay, come on. Let's go home." I take his hand and lead him back over to the bike. He pulls his helmet back in his head. I do the same, getting on the bike. I lay my head on his back, gripping him tight. I feel him relax under my touch, leaning back into me.

He drives the motorcycle back to my house. He pulls the bike up behind my house before getting off. Rafe reaches for my hand, helping me off the bike. We both pull off our helmets, placing them on the handlebars.

Rafe pauses, looking at me. "Mila, I'm sorry. About today, about everything. I know I'm a lot and I sure as hell don't deserve you. You ground me in a way nobody can and I-"

I cut him off, pressing a kiss to his lips. His hands move to my hips, pulling me flush against him."It's okay, Cameron." I mumble against his lips.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." A press a kiss against his lips again.

"Let's go to your room." He breathes.

I take his hand and lead him inside. We walk into my bedroom. I close my door, leaving just us two. A small smile creeps onto my lips as my boyfriend looks me up and down from across the room.

"God, come here."

I pull my t-shirt off, exposing my bra, as I walk toward him.

A crazy sexual tension filled the room as I stood a foot in front of him, exposed. Rafe glances down at my lips, licking his own.

"Kiss me." I whisper.

He reaches out to my fave with one of his hands, cupping my cheek. His other rests on the small of my back. He leans down so he's an inch from my face. His hot breath fans over my face. I bite my bottom lip, making him cave. He presses his lips to mine, slowly separating them.

I hook my finger tips in his waistband, pulling him flush against me. I put my hands on his hips, holding him close.

Rafe continues pressing deep kisses to my lips. His tongue snakes across my bottom lip. I pull away, reaching for the hem of his shirt. I pull his top over his head, exposing his chest. I run my finger tips down the ridges of his abs.

Rafe makes his way down to my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. My head rolls back, giving him better access. I grab his hips again.

A shiver goes down my spine as Rafe runs a fingertip over the nape of my neck, I feel my knees go weak. I grip onto his biceps, steadying myself. He instinctively scoops me up and lays me on the bed. He climbs onto me, straddling my waist.

I lean up, pressing a kiss to his lips. My hands grip his hair, lightly pulling on the ends as I work my way around his jaw. He rocks his hips against mine, making me squirm.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah." I breathe.

"Feels good?"


He does it again, making a quiet moan escape my lips. A breath hitches in my throat. I clench my legs together as he kisses down my stomach. His hands still clamped down on my hips. He rests a hand down on my thigh, looking up at me.

"Hey, relax." He coos.

He presses a soft kiss to my lips before peppering kisses all over my face. A giggle escapes my lips.

"I love you, Cameron." I whisper.

"I love you too." Rafe presses a deep, passionate kiss to my lips.

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