Chapter 15

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I wake up as I feel Rafe climb out of the bed. I lift my head up, watching him walk over to his dresser.

"Rafe?" I ask groggily.

"Hey." He turns around, smiling. He walks over and kisses me on the cheek. "You wanna get ready?"

"But I'm cozy." I say, reaching up to him.

"Baby, come on."

"I like when you call me that." A blush spreads across my cheeks.

"Well, good. 'Cause you're my girl, you deserve cute nicknames." I crawl out of the bed. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him close to me. He grabs underneath my legs, picking me up. I laugh as I wrap my legs around his waist. I press a kiss to his lips before dropping to the ground.

"Okay, okay. Let me get dressed."

I walk over to his dresser. I grab some clothes I'd left at his house before. I pull on the clothes over my swimsuit I had on.

I hear Rafe's phone go off. He looks down, checking it. "Top and Sarah are here. They're down by the dock"


Rafe takes my hand, leading me out to Topper's boat. Sarah waves at us as we walk down the dock. I wave back at the girl. Rafe climbs onto the boat before helping me on.

Topper starts the boat before heading out into the open water.

"You guys are going public then?" Sarah asks.

"I mean, sure, if that's what you wanna call this." Rafe answers. He looks over at me.

"Oh, uh, sure."

We spend the next couple hours out on the water. We talk and drink and relax. It was interesting, seeing how Kooks lived their lives compared to us Pogues.

"Mila?" I turn around to the source of a familiar voice on the water behind me. The Pogues sat in the HMS Pogue, cruising in the water. John B stops the boat, pausing just a few yards from where I stood on Topper's boat. Rafe stood next to me, an arm loosely around my waist.

"Pope?" My voice shakes as I say my brother's name.

"What are you doing with the Kooks? Actually, what the fuck are you doing with Rafe Cameron?"

I look up at Rafe. A pointed look crosses his face as stares at me, waiting for my answer. "We're together." I say hesitantly.

Pope breaks into a laugh. "No, get on the boat."


"I am not going to let my sister hangout with Rafe Cameron."

"Sister?" I hear Rafe ask.

"Pope, please. Don't be like that. I'll explain later, okay?"

"Absolutely not. Mila Heyward, get on the damn boat."

"No." I repeat.

"Do you know the things he's done?" Pope asks.

"Fuck off, man. She said no." Rafe steps in.

"Shut the hell up!" JJ yells.

"JJ, stop." I beg.

I look over at John B. A sad look was on his face as he watched me.

"Guys, he makes me happy."

"How the fuck can you just hang out with them like they haven't done anything to us?" Kie demands. "You're a Pogue, Mi. You're not a fucking Kook."

"Pope, please just go." I tell him. He starts the engine , beginning to pull away.

"Really?" Pope asks, looking back at me. I nod slowly. "Mila!" Pope yells as Topper starts to pull away.

I bury my head into Rafe's chest. I'd been caught by both the boys in my life. Topper speeds back to the dock. He stops next to it.

"Get off." Rafe demands.

I climb off the boat, onto the dock. I watch him as he gets off. I could tell he was really angry. Topper pulls the boat away, probably heading back to his house.

Rafe whips around to look at me.

"Were you ever gonna tell me?" He demands.


"Mila! Were you ever gonna tell me?"

"I didn't want to lose you."

"So, no? You weren't gonna tell me."

"I was gonna tell you when I was ready."

"When is that, huh?"

"I don't know." I mumble.

He shakes his head angrily. "You should've told me. God, you're a fucking Pogue! Holy shit!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Are you ashamed of it?" He asks. "Being a Pogue?"


"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"You hate Pogues, Rafe. I thought you would hate me and never talk to me again."

He sighs. His eyes soften as he looks at me. "Mila, as much as I hate that you didn't tell me, I would never just leave you."

"Thank god."

"Mi, you're my girlfriend now. I need you to be honest with me or this isn't going to work." I nod at him. "I'm sorry for all the bad things I said about them in front of you."

"It's okay."

"You okay?"

"Um, I don't know." Rafe pulls me into a hug, pulling me close.

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