Chapter 4

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Rafe's pov:

The next morning I woke up before Mila. I grab a
t-shirt and a pair of shorts before heading into my bathroom. I hop in the shower quickly, hoping the sound of the water hitting the tiles wouldn't wake up Mila. I shower as fast as I can before heading back out to my room.

I look over at Mila, still asleep in my bed. She lay curled up with her he'd burrowed into the pillow. I notice a sheen of sweat on her forehead. She shivers under my comforter. I place a hand on her forehead. She was definitely very warm.

I run down stairs and grab a bottle of water. I head into the bathroom and grab a bottle of ibuprofen. I race back up the stairs. When I reach my bedroom I notice Mila waking up.

"What time is it?" She asks. Her voice comes out raspy and groggy.

"It's around 11. Mi, do you feel okay?"

"No, I feel awful."

"I grabbed you medicine and water." I hand her the bottle of water. She takes it and downs the pills and water. Mila lays back down, burying her head back into the pillows.

I walk over to my windows and close the curtains. I grab another blanket from my closet and lay it on the sick girl.

"Thank you." She mumbles.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask, concern pulling on my brows. I squat down in front of her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

She shakes her head. I could tell she was about to go back to sleep. I head downstairs to watch TV in the living room. Sarah walks in the front door as I come down the stairs.

"Sarah? Where were you?" I ask.

"Topper's. I heard you got in a fight with dad so I came home to check in."

"Dad's not here. He and Rose are at a business thing."

"Oh." She looks around the foyer. Water still flooded the floor from Mila and I coming back into the house. "Why is there so much water?"

"Mila's here. She pushed me into the pool last night."


"Uh, yeah. From the party."

"Are you guys a thing?" She asks confused.

"No, no. I couldn't do that to her. She's my best friend. We've been hanging out for like a month."

"Wow, my big brother has a real friend. And she's a girl!" Sarah teases.

"Sarah, look, I like her. I don't want her to go away, so please don't do anything and don't let Topper push her away."

"Oh, Rafe. I wouldn't do that. I can tell you have a lil' crush on her."

I let out a sigh. "I'm not gonna act on it. I can't."

"Rafe, you deserve someone good. She makes you a better person."

"When she realizes who I am, she'd be heart broken. I can't do that to her."


"I should probably go check on her." I speak up.

"She's here?"

"She's really sick. She's upstairs, in bed."

"Is she okay?"

"I think so, I'm not sure what's wrong. Probably just the flu."

I turn to go back upstairs. I peek my head into my room before stepping inside. Mila was awake, sitting on her phone.

"Hey.." I catch her attention.

She looks over to me, a small smile falls onto her lips. "Hi."

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah. I mean flu symptoms aside."

"Good, I'm glad. Do you need anything?"

"I would say come lay with me, but I don't wanna get you sick."

I let out a giggle, climbing into the bed next to her. I pull her toward me, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. She pulls herself closer to me, wrapping an arm around my torso.

I feel my heart race in my chest. I liked the feeling of her being pressed against me. It felt natural, like this is how it should be. I release a breath, relaxing into the bed with her.

"You don't care if you get sick?" She asks softly.

"Not if it makes you feel better." I say honestly.

"Thank you, Cameron." She says sweetly.

"Of course, Mi."

"You were right. You're not all that bad."

"Told you not to judge a book by its cover." I joke.

She lightly hits me on the shoulder. "You're so stupid." She giggles.

"Hey, hey! You're supposed to be sick."

"Don't make me cough on you." She threatens.

"Oh, god."

Opia || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now