Chapter 24

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After getting a dress, Sarah and I spent the day getting ready

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After getting a dress, Sarah and I spent the day getting ready. We both sit at her vanity, doing our makeup. While we were shopping, Sarah had bought me higher end makeup for Midsummers.

I throw my hair up into a loose bun, pinning it in place. I take two white clips and place them in front of my bun.

"Aw, Mila, that looks so good." Sarah says looking at me.

"Thank you." I respond smiling.

"Should we put our dresses on and do a grand reveal?" Sarah asks excitedly.


I grab my dress off the hanger. I lay it across Sarah's bed as I pull off my clothes. I unzip the dress and pull it on. The dress fit me perfectly, hugging my curves. I throw on the white heels and turn to Sarah.

By this point we had been getting ready for hours. It was afternoon by now and we had to leave in roughly a half hour.

"Ready?" Sarah asks.

"Are you going with Topper?" I ask.

"We're going through a rough patch." Sarah informs me.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm not too worried about it. Besides, I wanna know how you and Rafe are doing." She smiles widely, waiting for an answer.

A shy smile dances on my lips. "We're good."

"Good! I heard about what happened between you two."

"Yeah, we got over it."

"Okay, well let's get down there!" Sarah cheers. She grabs my hand and pulls me out of her room. "Are you guys ready?" She shouts down the stairs.

"Yes! Let's see it girls!" Ward calls from down stairs.

Sarah motions for me to follow her down the stairs. As we walk down the stairs, we see the rest of the Cameron family waiting at the bottom of the staircase.

Rafe's eyes widen when they land on me. He watches me as I climb down the stairs. His mouth drops open slightly.

"Wow, you girls look lovely." Ward comments.

"Holy shit." Rafe mumbles as I walk toward him. He cups my cheeks, smiling down at me. "You look fucking incredible." He presses a kiss to my lips, slowly separating my lips.

"Thank you." I whisper against his lips.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder, walking me out to his car. He opens the door for me before walking to his own and climbing in next to me. Rafe plays soft music as we drive to the building that hosts Midsummers.

Rafe glances over at me, a smile crosses his face.

"What?" I ask him, shy.

"You look so good." He shakes his head, still smiling.

A deep blush rises to my cheeks. He reaches over, placing a hand on my thigh. I place my own hand on top of his.

We meet the rest of the Cameron's outside the building. They were supposed to walk in and make a grand entrance.

I grab onto Rafe's hand. I was very nervous about entering with the Cameron's. I don't know how everyone would react to a Pogue entering with the main Kook family. Especially one that worked for her father in a seafood place.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Rafe says squeezing my hand.

Ward and Rose head in first and make their way outside. The crowd claps for them as they make their way through the backyard. Sarah follows close behind, walking out to the backyard.

"Ready?" Rafe nudges me gently. I nod at him. He links arms with me, escorting me outside. The crowd clap as we walk outside. I release a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I see some people lean close together, whispering, by I ignore them.

Rafe stops me right there, leaning in to press a delicate kiss on my cheeks. I look up at him with a small smile. I wrap my arm around his waist as we move out of the center of attention.

I spot Kie and Pope talking by the grill. I wave at them, they wave back, smiling.

"Go say hi to them." Rafe says nudging me with his shoulder.

"I'm here for you though." I state.

"No, baby. I'm here for you. Have some fun." He presses another kiss to me cheek.

I walk over to my friends. Kie pulls me into a hug before pulling away, looking me up and down. "You look amazing." She coos.

"She's right, you look great, Mi."

"Thanks guys."

"So how does it feel to be public with Rafe Cameron?" Kie teases.

"Well, the same as before." I giggle.

"I'm glad you guys fixed it."

"Me too." I agree.

"This is so not our scene." Kie says chuckling.

"Oh definitely not. But I guess if I'm dating a Cameron it is my scene by association."

"Oh, true. You can get all the Kook gossip."

Kie's comment reminds me of what Rafe had told me about Sarah and Topper.

"Wait, I know some gossip. I'll have to tell you guys later. This is not the place."

Rafe walks up behind me a couple moments later, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, guys." He hesitates.

"Hi, Rafe." Kie says greeting him politely.

"Uh, Pope. Look, man, I'm really sorry about the golf course thing. I was a total fucking asshole and you didn't deserve that. I was so drunk and I was feeding off Topper's anger. I know that's no excuse but-"

"It's alright." Pope says cutting him off. "No hard feelings."

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