Chapter 38

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A soft knock catches my attention. I look up from Rafe, who I had straddled beneath me. His hands rested on my hips, holding me against him. I still had my clothes on, we hadn't gotten that far yet.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know, probably nothing." Rafe shakes his head. I bend down to press another kiss to his lips, but I freeze halfway when I hear the sound again.

"That was the window, Cameron." I climb off of him, running toward the window. I open the curtains, revealing a familiar blonde. "Oh my god, JJ!"

I pull the window open and reach out to the boy. He pulls me into a hug. "Mila, where the hell have you been?"

"Ward locked us in here. I stayed here last night." I explain. "I'm okay." I tell him when concern crosses his face.

"Your arm is bruised." JJ points out.

I glance down at my wrist. There was a purple and blue bruise in the shape of a hand where Ward had grabbed me.

"You should see the other guy." I joke. A small smile makes its way onto my friends lips.

"You can come with us," JJ says. "But we have to go, now."

I look back at Rafe. He nods at me, telling me to go.

"You need to leave too." I tell him. "You can't stay here with him."

"I'll find Top and Kelce, okay? You need to go with the Pogues."

"I love you." I walk over to the boy, wrapping him in a hug. His arms wrap around my waist, holding me tight. I press a kiss to his lips, slowly separating his with my own.

"I love you too." He mumbles against my lips. "Go."

I release him and crawl out the window with JJ.

"JJ?" Rafe speaks up again. JJ looks up at my boyfriend. "Keep her safe."

"Always." JJ answers.

JJ helps me down off the roof. When we reach the ground I see my brother tossing stuff into the open barbecue. I hear him mumbling something as I approach him.

"Pope." I say catching his attention.

Pope turns to look at me before looking back to the object in his hand, a rubber duck dressed as a fireman. "Same." Pope mumbles to the duck.

I look back at JJ, an amused smile on his face. Then it hits me. "Oh, my god! Did you get my brother high?" I whisper yell. "JJ!"

The flames flying out of the barbecue catch my attention. Pope flinches backwards, swatting at himself. He stomps on his hat that had caught fire from the large flames.

Pope grabs my hand, running away from the house with me. I reach back and grab JJ's t-shirt, letting him know to follow us.

I hear the back door open behind us. I yank both boys behind a large tree, concealing us from anyone who had come outside.

A loud yell rings out into the cool air of the night. "Sarah!" Ward shouts. I peak around the tree, watching Rose and Ward disappear back inside.

"Come on!" I run back toward the fence. I jump, pushing myself up and over. The boys follow close behind as we make our way to Kie's car.

I see Kie climb over the fence right after, running toward her car. She climbs into the front seat next to me. She breathes quickly, trying to regain her composure.

"Wait, Mila?" Kie pants.

"Hey, Kie." I let out a light laugh.

"I almost got caught." She says.

"Oh shit!" I exclaim.

Kiara laughs but then her face drops. "Sarah's trapped in there."

"I know, I was too. Too bad Ward doesn't pay attention to his other children and left Camer- Rafe's window unlocked. Rafe and I both got out."

"Good." Kie states. She starts her car and pulls away, heading down the street.

A comfortable silence fills the car. Everyone exhausted from today. I pull out my phone, shooting Rafe a text, asking if he was okay. He texts back, letting me know he was.

Kie pulls her car in front of the Wreck. I follow the Pogues inside. The restaurant was empty and quiet and dark.

"We can stay here tonight." Kie tells us, taking a seat at a table.

"Can someone explain to me what's happening?" I ask.

"John B and Sarah are going to take the Phantom to Mexico. Ward told the police John B was the one who shot Peterkin." JJ informs me.

"Woah, woah, wait. What the fuck?"


"God I wish that man would die in a hole."

"Join the club, sis." Pope speaks up.

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