Chapter 36

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I pull the car into the driveway of the Cameron's home. Rose Cameron stood in their front yard, eyeing the SUV. I knew how we looked. Sarah and I were splotchy in the face and we both had swollen eyes from our continuous crying. I had a pounding headache and a scared look that wouldn't leave my face. Rafe's hair was messy and his eyes were rimmed red from his own erratic behavior.

We all slowly climb out of the car. I keep my eyes away from Rose, avoiding any possible eye contact. I move toward Rafe, grabbing his hand.

"Hey! Your dad is not gonna like that you're back home." Rose calls out, watching Rafe and I move away from the car.

"He told me I could come here." Rafe responds.

"Well, he didn't tell me." Rose retorts.

"Just shut up, Rose!" I snap.

Roses expression drops when she looks past us, looking at Sarah.

"Why aren't you on the plane?" Rose questions.

Sarah looks over to Rafe and I. "Ask Rafe." She shoves past us, walking into the house.

"What the hell is going on?" Rose demands.

Rafe pulls me with him toward the house, ignoring the woman. I could feel tears beginning to burn in my eyes again.

When we got upstairs as I sat on the edge of Rafe's bed, staring into my empty hands. Today was the worst day of my life and I had no idea what to even do. A fat tear rolled down my cheek, landing in my hands.

Peterkin's blood still stained my hands a deep crimson color. A loud gasp escapes my mouth when I realize the blood was still all over me. I rush into the bathroom, closing the door. I scrub at my hands, desperately trying to get rid of the blood. I let out a loud sob when I realize I couldn't get some of it off.

I drop to the ground, clutching my chest. The sink still runs, filling the bathroom with the sound of my sobs and the running sink.

A knock sounds on the door, echoing in the bathroom. "Hey, Mi?" I don't answer, continuing to sob on the floor. "Mila, baby, can I come in?" I still don't answer. "I'm gonna come in, okay?"

I hear the bathroom door crack open. I feel arms wrap around me, Rafe pulls me into his chest.

"Okay, baby, let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He says softly. I nod my head, allowing him to pull me into a standing position. "Do you wanna shower?" I nod again. "Can I, uh..." He lightly tugs on the hem of my shirt. Another nod.

I left my arms over my head as he pulls my shirt up, pulling it off my body. He moves onto my shorts, unbuttoning them slowly.

Rafe pulls off his own shirt and shorts before turning on the shower. He steps inside, pulling me with him. Rafe eyes me, looking at my sad expression. He lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him. He presses a soft kiss to each of my cheekbones.

Rafe grabs the bar of soap and lathers it between his hands before rubbing them over the dirt and blood that spread over my body. Rafe scrubs at the blood from my hands, finally releasing the weight I felt because of it.

"Cameron.." I finally say sadly.

"I know, baby." He pulls me back against him. He wraps his arms right around my shoulders as mine wrap around his waist. I nuzzle my head into his chest.

"We watched her die. Peterkin is dead."

"I know." He rests his head on top of mine.

"You didn't kill her." I whisper.

"You stopped me."

"I couldn't lose you too."

"You saved me, Mi. You'll never lose me, okay? I love you." He lifts my chin again and presses a soft kiss to my lips. I kiss him back. I lean my forehead against his chest, sighing. "You okay?"


"Let's go to bed?"

"Yes please."

I step out of the shower, grabbing one of Rafe's towels and wrapping it around me. I walk into his room and grab his sweats and one of his t-shirts and pulling it on. He comes out shortly after. I knew he had been rinsing the blood from everything.

Rafe puts on clothes before scooping me up into his arms once again. He lays me gently on his bed before crawling in next to me. He pulls my back into his front. Rafe wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. He nuzzles his head into the back of my neck, breathing in deep.

I allow his calm breaths and the quiet room to pull me into a deep sleep.

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