Chapter 1

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I throw on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top

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I throw on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. I grab my converse before heading downstairs to get a ride from my brother. We were headed to a big Keggar to celebrate the start of summer.

"Mila! Let's go!" He yells from the other side of the house.

"Sorry, I'm coming!" I grab my small backpack and meet him in the living room.

"Jesus, Mi. We gotta go."

"I'm sorry, I had to fix my hair, Pope."

I climb onto the dirt bike behind my brother. He drives down to the boneyard where we typically have keggars. When we get there he parks the bike behind some trees in case cops bust the party.

Together we walk over to the group of other Pogue's that had gathered around the keg. John B hands me a cup of beer. I wander away, walking down the beach. I make it to the life guard chair and perch myself on top of it. I casually sip on my beer and watch the waves roll in the ocean. I listen to all the chatter, letting myself relax.

I look over my shoulder, glancing at the party. My eyes connect with a boy's. He was a kook, anyone could tell just by looking at him. He'd been looking at me for a couple seconds before I caught him. I could tell by the way his eyes flicked away when I looked at him.

I hop down from my seat and make my way over to him. One of his friends lean in to make a snarky comment before they all walk away, leaving just the boy. I make my way up to him.

"Well, hello there." He says.

"I saw that back there. You were checking me out." I inform him, calling him out.

"Beautiful things deserve to be looked at."

"I know that was supposed to be a compliment. But all things deserve to be looked at. Nothing should go ignored."

He holds out his hand for me to shake. "I'm R-"

"Rafe Cameron, I know who you are." I say cutting off the Kook.

"My reputation precedes me." A smirk comes across his face.

"Yeah, the drugs and alcohol? I've heard the stories."

"Some people can look past that."

"And see what? The daddy issues and anger problems?"

"I'm not all that bad." The boy tells me.

"Yeah, sure." I say sarcastically.

"Let me prove it to you." He says simply, pushing off the tree he was leaning against.

"Why would I do that?"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover?"

"Touché." I shrug.

"What would you want to do?"

"I'll take you surfing." I tell him.

"Oh, yeah I don't do that. It's a Pogue thing." The boy shakes his head, looking past me at other Pogues that were at the party.

"Not necessarily. Lots of people know how to surf."

"Fine, when do we go?"

"Tomorrow. I'll meet you here at 7 pm."

"Can I at least get your name?"


"Well, Mila. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Unfortunately." I say. I turn to walk away and find my brother again. "Bye, Mila!"

A small smile breaks across my face as I walk away from him. I knew I was in for a real treat.


That evening I meet Rafe Cameron at the boneyard. I watch as he gets out of his car and walks over. He waves at me as he makes his way over to me.

"Hello again, Mila."

"Hi, Rafe. Are you ready to learn to surf?"

"Yeah, I guess. I do get to spend time with a pretty girl with a fun personality."

"Well, at least you included my personality." I state.

"Always a charmer."


Rafe eyes the boards I had brought with me. He quirks a brow at the size of the boards.

"Shortboards ," I explain. "You have to get used to being in the water and not on one of your fancy speed boats. This is what we usually use to Surf."

"Hey, come on now. I'm not judging."

"Mm-hm." I say sarcastically. "Alright, I brought you a soft board. It's extremely buoyant and durable. Please try not to ding up my board."

"I'll try." He says honestly.

"Good." I let out a light laugh.

"Grab the board, let's get started."

The next two hours I taught Rafe the basics of surfing. Spending time with him wasn't actually that bad and when he relaxes he has a fun personality. I had spent lots of time laughing at the jokes he cracked and having a real conversation.

I had also spent a lot of time laughing at the boy as he fell off the board into the water. He had a few major wipeouts. One had brought me to my knees o was laughing so hard.

"Stop laughing!" The boy demands.

I continue to laugh as I brace myself on one hand. "That was absolutely ridiculous! God, you're so bad!"

"That's not funny, Mila."

"Oh it's hilarious, trust me."

By the end we were both exhausted. We sat on the beach, watching the sun set deeper and deeper into the horizon.

"So..." Rafe says still looking into the water.

"So." I repeat.

"Will we be hanging out again?" The boy asks.

"What makes you think I'd wanna do that?" I question the boy.

"Come on, you know you can't resist me." The boy smirks. "Look at me."

"All I see is a big oaf with no coordination." I quip

"Funny. So will I be seeing you or not?"

"I'd like that."

"I'm busy the rest of this week. Next week?"

"Works for me."

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