Chapter 37

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I could hear Ward and Sarah talking through the walls of the house. Sarah's room being right on the other side of the wall was very helpful.

I motion for Rafe to be quiet as I eavesdropped on their private conversation. He walks toward me slowly, trying to stay silent. He grabs my wrist, listening too.

"You killed Peterkin." Sarah states. "What's gonna happen to you?"

"Baby, nothing's gonna happen to me."

"Shit." I whisper looking up at Rafe.

"Excuse me?" Sarah demands. "What do you mean nothing's gonna happen?"


"No, that doesn't make any sense!"

"I know it seems that way." Ward tries to soothe her.

"You shot her!" Sarah yells.

"Listen to me, sweetheart. You grow up in this world thinking there's good and there's evil, and that's how it should be because that's helpful when you're young, when you need some kind of... structure. But there reaches a point when you realize that the world isn't organized along some divine idea of right and wrong. It's not. It's something else. It's family... and tribe."

"Oh my god." Rafe mumbles. "He's trying to brainwash her like he did to me."

"Do you understand?" Ward asks his daughter. She stays silent. "You have to pick a side Sarah."


"Him or us."

I hear her door close. I move to step into the hallway, facing Ward who was locking Sarah's bedroom door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I demand, stepping toward him.

Wheezie comes out of her own room, confused. Her eyes widen when she sees her dad twisting the key in Sarah's door.

"Why are you locking her in there?" Wheezie questions.

"Sh. Sweetie..."

"Dad, please!" Sarah cries from her room.

"...there's been an... accident, and your sister's very upset and she just needs a little time alone to calm down. So we're gonna give her that, okay?"

"Oh, bullshit!" I yell. "You're a fucking liar!"

"Shut up, Mila! You don't even know what you're talking about." Ward tells me.

I'm about to speak again when Rafe grabs my arm. "Babe, wait."

"You can't lock her in there." Wheezie speaks up again. "That's super dysfunctional."

"Wheezie, just go to your room, okay?"

"My room? What did I do?" Wheezie asks frantically.

"Go to your room!" Ward yells.

Wheezie sighs, leaving to walk back into her room. Ward turns back to where Rafe and I were standing, watching.

"Feeling guilty yet?" I ask. "You're a murderer and father of the year."

Ward steps toward me. A dark look crosses his face. "Don't you ever say those words again!"

"Or what?" I demand. "You'll kill me too?"

"Don't push me!"

"Don't kill my friend's family. W-what are you doing?"

"Damage control." Ward answers. "It's time for you to go." He moves toward me and grabs my wrist. Rafe grabs his hand that was clenching mine and pushes him away, pulling his hand from my arm.

"Get the fuck off her!" Rafe yells.

Ward pushes us into Rafe's room. He pulls his arm back before hitting Rafe in the side of his face. I hear the cracking sound of bone hitting bone. Rafe grabs his jaw, stumbling to the ground.

Ward slams the door, loudly. I run at it, trying to get it open before he could lock the door. The lock clicks, trapping us inside.

"No!" I yell banging my fists on the door. "Ugh, shit!"

I turn back to Rafe, looking at him. He sat propped on his elbow, still cupping his jaw. I kneel down next to him. I put a finger under his chin, getting a better look at the bruise already forming on his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone above it.

"Yeah, fine." He stands. "You?"

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. I think there's a chance I may be murdered by your father."

Rafe places his hands on my shoulders. "You know I'd never let him do that. I'd kill him."

My eyes widen at his words. Since the airstrip I was super on edge about Rafe's mental health and how it would effect us. It scared me honestly.

"Oh, Mi. I didn't mean that." He shakes his head frantically. I could see fear spark in his eyes.

"Hey, hey.." I reach up to his face, cupping it. "I believe you. You don't have to be afraid."

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