Chapter 40

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Kie pulls up in front of the garage containing the Phantom. We had picked up the keys from JJ's house. The blonde had seemed slightly on edge since we left his house.

JJ slides open the garage door, revealing the large white boat. "There she be. Hey, girl." JJ greets the boat. "A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom."

"Did you just introduce us to the boat like it's a person?" I ask. "A 2003 Heyward's employee OBX. Mila Heyward."

"Funny." JJ says sarcastically. "The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours, ladies. Forty years old! Forty. And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

"It's kind of a junker." Kie responds.

"Really? She's right there, Kie." JJ responds. "She can hear you. Let's just put it this way. You wouldn't not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"I just hope it runs."

"Oh, no, she'll run all right. She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got."

The sound of a motorcycle engine catches my attention. I jog over to the noise, thinking it was my brother finally arriving.

"Jesus, Pope. That took-" I freeze when I see Rafe walking into the garage. My heart immediately begins to pound. He wasn't supposed to be here.

"Rafe? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with Topper and Kelce." I rush out.

"Hello to you too, babe. What's going on?" Rafe asks. "JJ? How you guys doin'?"

Kie runs behind JJ, watching Rafe approach.

"No, Cameron. You stay right here." I put my hands on his chest, getting him to stop moving forward.

A whistle rings out into the garage, echoing against the metal walls. I spin around to see Barry walking in by Kie's car.

"Oh my god." I mumble.

He clears his throat, approaching us. "Well, well." He pulls out a hand gun and cocks it.

Rafe pulls me around, behind the Phantom. He presses me against the wall of the boat.

"I'm buggin' out, Mila." Rafe says, his voice shaking.

"Why?" I ask.

"I regret it so much. I shouldn't have gone to that airstrip. I'm losing it. I did something I shouldn't have." Tears form in his eyes as he speaks.

"Cameron, I don't understand." I reply frantically. "What's going on?" Concern was building as I watched Rafe. I didn't know what was wrong and he was scaring me.

"I almost shot Peterkin." Rafe sobs. My eyes grow wide as the boy breaks down, dropping to his knees. "I'm fucked, Mi. Like totally. Like one hundred percent, I'm fucked. Like for life, there's... There's no way out of this." Tears streamed down his face as gut wrenching sobs tore through his chest.

I shake my head from side to side. "No, no, no, Cameron." I place my hands on his cheeks, getting him to focus on me. "You're not going anywhere."

"I could've killed her."

"But you didn't. You're the good guy remember? You showed me that."

"I went to get cocaine."

"That's okay, people make mistakes."

"No, I-I broke my promise to you."

"It's okay."

"I owe Barry. We have to find John B. He owes him." I step around the boat to look at what was going on. I see Barry fighting Kie and JJ. Kie was on the ground, holding her side while JJ was in the grasp of Barry.

"Rafe, you don't need to do that. You need to stop him, okay? Please." I step toward the fight, motioning at Barry fighting my friends.

"Where's John B, Mila?" Rafe demands, grabbing my shoulders.

"Rafe, come on!" I beg.

"He's my little Bitch now, Mila. I own him." Barry calls out.

Rafe looks at me, a sad look coming across his face. "I'm sorry, Mila."

I shake my head at him. "No, absolutely not. You're choosing right now. Me or him?"

This catches Rafe off guard. "What?"

"You heard me. I'm done with this shit. You have to choose because I'm out. If you choose him, we're done! Do you understand?"


"Do you understand?" I repeat.

"He'll kill me." Rafe responds.

"I don't wanna hear it."

"Mila, please!" Rafe begs.

"No! I'm sick of this! You can't follow him around like a little puppy dog, Rafe. You are your own goddamn person. I know who you are! Show me that you do too!" I yell. I notice my brother come into the garage.

"I'm sorry."

Tears brim in my eyes at his response. I turn away from him, looking back at my friend just in time to see JJ ram Barry against the side of the Phantom, knocking him to the ground.

"Let's go!" JJ yells at me.

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