Chapter 18

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Rafe pulls me through the big house

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Rafe pulls me through the big house. We make our way to the backyard. We sit on the edge of the pool, our feet dangling in the cool water. I was still adjusting to the Kook scene so being outside made me feel a lot better. The outdoors also gave us a bit of a quieter place to talk amongst the loud guests.

"Hey, thank you for earlier. It meant a lot." Rafe grabs my hand.

"Of course. I don't want you to have to go through that by yourself. And you need to stop the drugs."

"I know." He says. He places a kiss on my cheek.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask.

"Yes please."

"Beer good?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Okay, I'll be back."

I stand up to walk into the house. I make my way to the kitchen to grab beers from one of the kegs that were brought it.

I feel a hand wrap around my waist.

"Lost, Princess?" I turn to identify the unfamiliar voice.

A tall guy I'd never seen before towers above me. I try to pull away but he grabs my wrist.

"Let go, I have a boyfriend."

"I don't see anyone."

"It's a big ass party, Dumbass."

"Then he wouldn't know." He says tightening his grip.

I try to pull away again. He pulls me closer to him again. I bring my hand up to smack him or try to push him away. He doesn't budge and grabs my other wrist.

"Let go!" I yell.

His grip tightens again. He pushes me back against the wall. My breathing quickens as he leans in close. I try to turn away so I don't have to look at him.

"Get. The fuck. Off her." A loud voice echoes through the kitchen.

The guy turns around, facing Rafe. He puffs out his chest, trying to look more intimidating. "What are you gonna do about? Huh?"

"I will kick your fucking ass."

"Oh yeah?" The guy taunts.

"Back away from my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Sorry, bud. You know this is a Pogue, right? She works in a seafood place."

"I'm aware of her social status and her place of work, thank you."

"Oh, I get it. Easy sex, huh?"

Rafe winds his arm back, punching the guy across the face. The man stumbles back, almost running into me. I step out of the way, running behind Rafe.

Rafe shoves him. The guy runs into the counter. Rafe grabs my hand pulling me out of the kitchen. He pulls me into an empty bedroom.

"Mi, you okay?"

"Um, yeah." My voice comes out shaky.

"Mila, it's okay if you're not. Talk to me, baby "

"Can we- can we just go back to your house?" I ask, slightly ashamed.

"Yeah, of course. Parties are not our thing, huh?"

I let out a light laugh. "No."

He takes my hand and leads me out to the car. Right before we get in, Kelce steps out the front door, calling after Rafe.

"Aye, Rafe! You got the goods?"

"No, man. I'm heading home."

"What? Man, come on! There's lots of girls up their with cash."

"Dude, I got a girlfriend. Look, I gotta go."

"You're never around, man. Ever since Mila came around you're no fun."


Rafe gets in the car, motioning for me to follow, I do. He starts his car and makes his way back to Tannyhill. Before we get out of his car I stop him.

"I'm not taking the fun out of your life, right?" I ask.

"No, Mi. Kelce is the only single friend so he's being a little bitch."


"Mila, it's okay. Really."


We get out of the car and walk into the house. Rose and Ward were definitely already asleep. The house was eerily quiet as we walked through the silent foyer.

Rafe takes my hands and walks me upstairs to his bedroom. I sit on his bed while he pulls out pajamas from his dresser for the both of us. I take the t-shirt he had gotten out for me from him and change into it. He changes into a pair of grey sweats.

Rafe disappears into his bathroom. He comes back a moment later with makeup wipes in his hand.

"You bought me makeup wipes for here?" I ask.

"Yes." He smiles widely.

"You're so cute." I smile back, walking over to him. I wrap my arms around his muscular frame. He leans down to place a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Come on, sit." Rafe gestures to the edge of his bed.

I move to sit on his bed. He pulls out a makeup wipe and carefully removes the makeup from my face.

"Better?" He asks, rubbing a thumb on my jawline.

I nod, leaning into his chest. He kisses my forehead.

"Okay, bedtime, Baby." He says. Rafe picks me up bridal style and sets me in my usual spot on his bed bed. He climbs in next to me and pulls me close. I place a hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone. I eventually fall asleep to the sound of Rafe's even breaths.

Opia || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now