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What the hell is Ryan Tyler talking about me? He doesn't even know me. I think Scott is lying. But he sounded so serious and angry. Well, I don't give a damn. All I know is that I am not stealing anyone's best friend.

I went home. My mum was taking a nap on the couch and Jeffrey was studying. He really works too hard and I pity him. "Hey Jeff." I greeted him as I put my bag on the table. He lifted his head and looked at me then smiled and said "Hey Aurora. You're home early."

"Yup, I am done with my shift." I told him and went to open the fridge. We don't have any groceries. "What do you wanna eat for dinner?" I asked him. "Um, I miss your lasagna." He said. "Oooh. Alright. Let me go get some groceries. I'll be back soon." I told him and left the house. I thank God the grocery store was only a few blocks away from home. I got to the store and bought whatever I wanted and got back home.

This time mum was sitting on the couch. She smiled when she saw me. "How are you sweetie?" She asked me. "I am good. You were asleep when I came home." I told her. "Yeah, I didn't sleep that much last night." She said and got up from the couch. "Um, are you alright mum?" I asked her. She sighed and said "Uh...I am fine. It's just that it has been a month and I haven't taken any pills. It's really hard for me, Aurora." I went close to her and hugged her really tight. "Mum, you don't know how proud I am of you." I told her. I could hear her sniffing. I think she was crying.

"Please guys. I can't stand watching you two crying." Jeffrey said to us. We all started laughing. After sometime I started making dinner and mum helped me.

"Hmm...this is like the best lasagna I have ever had." Jeffrey said with a full mouth as we were eating. I just smiled at him. My mum looked at him and said " Jeffrey, it's not table manners talking with your mouth full!" Me and Jeffrey both chuckled. After dinner Jeffrey offered to wash the dishes which was a surprise for me because he never washes dishes.

I tried convincing my family to watch a movie with me and I succeeded but under one condition. Jeffrey had to pick the movie. Well, I don't like action movies but The Old Guard was the best. I liked it and enjoyed watching it especially with my family. I don't remember the last time we sat down together and did something together. "Guys, I think we should do this more often." I told them with a wide grin after the movie ended. They just looked at me and everyone continued with their business.  I know deep down they want to do it again with me but they just can't admit it.

I went to my room and showered. It was a wash day. So, I washed and conditioned my hair. I like how my new shampoo smelled. Lavender is my favorite. I wore my blue sleeveless jumpsuit and a black denim jacket with some white sneakers. I didn't put on any makeup. I let my hair down and left my room.

"I thought you were staying in tonight." My mum said when I walked in the living room. " I am babysitting at Powell's." I told her. "Oooh. Okay...stay safe." She told me and I gave her a nod then left.

It wasn't that far. So I decided to walk. I enjoy walking, especially at night though it can get dangerous sometimes. Reaching at Eleanor's boutique I found Ryan trying to lock the door. I don't know why I stopped and started staring at him. He suddenly looked at me and I almost fainted. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked me. I only paid attention to how his lips were moving. "Hey! Are you alright?" This time he asked more loudly. I cleared my throat then said "Y-Yeah, I-I am a-alright."

"Um...can you help me lock this door?" He asked me. I moved close to him and he gave me the keys. As I was taking the keys from his hand our skin touched and I felt like fire burnt me. I took the keys quickly from his hand and locked the door then gave him the keys back. "Thank you." He said. I looked at him and said "You're welcome" then I started walking away. "Hey! Hey! Where are you going?" I heard him asking behind my back. I stopped and faced him then said " At the Powell's." "What's there?" He asked me.

"I am going to babysit." I told him. He moved his wheelchair towards me until he was now in front of me. "Can I go with you?" He asked me. I looked at him like I didn't hear what he asked. "Yes, I asked you if I can go with you." He told me. It's like he can read my mind.  "Uh...are you really sure you wanna go with me?" I asked him. He closed his eyes and said "Yes! I wanna go with you." "Okay." I told him. He insisted that we should drive there, that it's not safe walking at night. So, he drove us there.

The Powell's were out on a charity event so they asked me to come watch their 5 years old daughter, Elodie Powell. She is really a sweet girl. I like her. We rang the bell and Amber, their neighbor, opened the door for us. "Thank God you're here. I am late for my party!" She barked and walked past us. "Wow!" Ryan said as we entered the house.

"Aurora! Aurora! I missed you." Elodie came running to me and she jumped up as I carried her. "I missed you too, peanut! You look so tall." I told her and she giggled.  She then looked at Ryan and then hid her face on my shoulder. "Who is that?" She asked me. "Oooh...this is..This is my friend Ryan. And Ryan, this is Elodie." I introduced them. "Hi! Elodie." Ryan said to her. She just peeped at him and hid her face on my shoulder.

"Um...Elodie? What do you want to do tonight?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled innocently then said "I want to bake cookies." "Oooh. Okay let's bake some cookies." I told her and we went to the kitchen. We began taking all the ingredients we wanted and I took a big bowl and started mixing the ingredients. Suddenly Ryan was at the door looking at us. "Elodie, will you excuse me for a while?" I asked her. She smiled at me and said " Sure!"

I went to the door and Ryan was just looking at me. "Hey, I am so sorry. Elodie can be-
"It's okay. I understand. Kids need some time with strangers." He said. "Alright. Thank you for understanding." I told him. "I think she is waiting for you. Go and bake." He told me and I left. We mixed up the ingredients and started making different shapes out of the dough. "Aurora, your friend looks sad. He can come bake with us." Elodie told me. " it okay if you go ask him to come bake with us?" I asked her. She looked at me and said "Sure!"

I don't know what she said to him but after a few minutes they came back together and we continued baking. It was really fun. I can't believe I enjoyed Ryan Tyler's company. After baking we watched Frozen 2 and I can't believe Ryan was singing all the songs with Elodie. He looked at me and smiled. The smile really seemed genuine. "Who are you?" I asked him and he just laughed. I went and checked on the cookies after we left them to cool.

"Guys! The cookies are ready." I told them as I walked in with a plate full of cookies. They all looked excited. We ate the cookies and they were so delicious. Suddenly Elodie asked Ryan "What happened to you? Why can't you walk?" Ryan seemed tense but he tried to relax and said " I got into a really bad accident and I wasn't able to walk again." Elodie seemed really touched about what Ryan said. She got up from the couch and went to Ryan and hugged him. It was the sweetest thing ever. After the hug Ryan smiled at her and said " Thank you so much. That hug made me feel better." She just smiled shyly.

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