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"You can't just leave Jeffrey. What about school? What about me? You're my only family left. Please don't leave me." I begged him with tears in my eyes. He gave me this pity look and kept packing his bags. I just sat there and watched him while crying.

"You promised to go on a tour with me. tour begins tomorrow." I told him. He looked at me and said "I wish you all the best Aurora." That broke my heart. I just got up and went to my room. I cried myself to sleep. The next day when I woke up Jeffrey was gone. Just like that he was gone! I tried calling him several times but it all went to voicemail. I hope God keeps him safe.

I met with my manager and later I performed in the new club where I got my first gig. The next day I was leaving for my tour. I will be on the road for a month or so. I am happy about it but when I think of Jeffrey I feel really sad.

"Hey sweetie." Skylar said to me. "Hey dear. I thought you left already." I told her. She smiled and said "No, I wanted to stay with you." "Aww, that's sweet of you." I told her as I hugged her. "I am sorry about Jeffrey. I am sure he is gonna be alright. He is a grown up man." She said and I smiled forcefully. I took a long sigh and said "I hope so." She ended the hug and said "Let's go to the coffee shop. There's something I wanna show you." I was surprised to hear that. What does she want to show me? We left and went to the shop.

Surprisingly there were a lot of people. "Sky what's going on?" I asked her. She smiled innocently and said "I am hosting you a party for your tour. You won't be here for a month or so." I pulled her into a hug and said "Oh Sky! You didn't have to. But thank you. This is so kind of you." She pulled away from the hug and smiled then said "C'mon, let's get you a drink."

I was surprised to see the three best friends are all together. Skylar got me a drink and made me go sit with Ryan and his friends. "Hey Aurora, long time no see." Scott said as I sat in their booth. "H-Hey Scott." I said to him. It was the first time he called me by my name. And he looked different. Beside him there was this pretty lady with very long blond hair. I looked at her and she gave me this beautiful smile then she said "Hello, I am Dominique. Scott's girlfriend." "Hello Dominique." I greeted her politely. Douglas said hello to me and Ryan pulled me close to him, kissed me then said "Hello beautiful." I felt shy. I wasn't used of us showing affection to people, especially his friends.

They kept talking about random things and it was pretty interesting. I enjoyed listening to them. Dominique was actually so cool. Scott was really a changed guy. It has been almost half an hour and I haven't heard him cursing at anyone or yelling at people and calling me names. I think Dominique changed him. "Aurora, did you listen to anything I was saying to you?" Scott asked me. "Oh...I-I...I am so sorry. What were you saying?" I asked him after he brought me back from my thoughts. He breathed heavily and said "Congratulations on your tour. I liked your album and Dominique listens to it like every morning." That made me smile. "Thank you! I am glad you like it." I told him politely.

Suddenly Skylar came and said "I didn't host this party for you guys to come and sit. C'mon let's dance!" We all got up and started dancing. I danced with Ryan, Skylar danced with Douglas and Scott with Dominique. It was so good. I kind of felt happy. As we kept dancing Ryan said "Can I ask you something?" I gave him a nod. "Uh...yesterday at my house. When my mum asked you about your intentions for me. said you love me. Is it true? Do you love me? Did you mean it?"

I took a deep breath and said "Yes! I do love you." I could see this excitement in his eyes. He smiled widely and then kissed me hard. When I pulled away from the kiss we were both panting. "I love you too. I love you so much Aurora." He said and I kissed him.

The party continued and it even got so fun. We played some games. We had a karaoke and they made me sing my whole album songs. It was so beautiful and fun. I will miss them when I begin my tour. "Baby I am just going to get some fresh air outside." I told Ryan and went out. It was a bit chilly. I could feel the wind blowing on my cheeks. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned to find Dominique. "Hey." I said to her. She smiled and said "Hi." We stayed silent for a while then she asked "Are you alright?" I looked at her and said "Yeah, I am good." "Honestly, I am so glad that I met you. I am a huge fan of yours. I never expected you to be so down to earth. No offense." She told me. I looked at her and smiled then said "None taken."

She removed a packet of cigarettes and took one. "Do you smoke?" She asked. "Nope! I don't." I told her. She lit her cigarette and started smoking. "How did you meet Scott?" I asked her. "In college." She said. "Ooh...I didn't know you guys went to college together." I said. "No, no, no...he teaches at my college." She told me. "Wow! he is a lecturer?" I asked in surprise. "He is a psychology lecturer. He is really good at it." She said that and threw her cigarette butt then popped a mint gum in her mouth. "I am going back inside. Please don't tell Scott I smoke." She said that and left.

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