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"Are you eavesdropping on me in my own house?" She asked me, sounding too drunk. "No! No Eleanor. I was looking for the washroom." I lied to her. She looked at me and said "Hmm...I hope you are not lying to me. It's there." She pointed me to where the washroom was. I rushed to the washroom and locked the door behind me. Oh God! What is Eleanor up to? I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked as if I just saw a ghost. I opened the tap and splashed some water on my face. I leaned on the sink for a moment just to relax myself. I took a deep breath and left.

Downstairs people kept dancing and eating as if nothing was going on. "There you are!" Ryan said to me with a wide smile when he saw me. I gave him a false grin. "Are you alright?" He asked me. "Yeah! fine." I lied to him. I know I wasn't fine because I was literally shaking. "You look like you have seen a ghost." He said. I just gave him a blank stare. The waiter walked with glasses of champagne on his tray. I took one glass and drank the whole champagne at once. "Wow! Slow down." Ryan told me. I think he said that because he knows I don't usually drink. "I have to go home. I am sorry." I apologized to him. I was about to leave and he said "wait!" and pulled my hand. I looked at him. "Can I at least drive you home?" He asked me politely. "No! No...I'll take an Uber or a Lyft." I told him and walked outside.

I took out my phone from the purse and called an Uber. After several minutes of waiting my Uber arrived. I went straight home. I kept thinking of the noise I heard from the room opposite the washroom. What really happened to that person? What if they died and I was able to save them but I didn't do anything? A lot of questions kept crossing my mind. Suddenly my phone rang and I found myself jumping from my own bed. Skylar was calling. "Hey Sky."
"Hey Aurora. Where are you? I can't find you." She said. "Uh...I am at home. I left, I wasn't feeling that well." I lied to her. "Hmmm...really? Or you were running from your Prince Charming?" She asked, then giggled like a little girl. Oh my! She sounds so drunk. "Sky, where are you?" I asked her. "Uh...I-I really don't know." She said then kept quiet. "Sky! Sky! Sky, are you there?" I asked but there was no response then the call ended.

Oh God! This is getting more scary. I hope my best friend is safe. I took my phone and called Ryan. It rang thrice and he picked up. "Aurora are you alright?" That's what he asked after answering my call. "Y-Yeah...but I am worried about Skylar." I told him. "What happened to her?" He asked me. "She called me sounding so drunk and I asked her where she was. She said she didn't know and then hung up on me. I am so worried about her. Please help me find out if she is still at your house." I begged him. "Okay, let me look for her then I'll give you a call." He told me and ended the call.

After several minutes he called me. "Hey, did you find her?" I asked him immediately. "Yes! She just left with Douglas.  She is safe." He told me. I felt a bit relieved. "Alright. Thank you so much Ryan." I thanked him. "No problem. Aurora...are you really okay?" He asked me with a concerned voice. "Yeah! I am okay." I told him. "Alright, um...if you need someone to talk to I am always here. Have a good night, gorgeous." He said that and ended the call.

I glanced at my phone and it was past midnight. I closed my eyes and thought about the kiss I shared with Ryan. I remembered how he tasted like home chocolate peppermint. The thought of him gives me goosebumps all over. I think I am falling for this guy. With that thought I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to someone pounding hard on my door. I tried opening my eyes but my head hurt so bad. I closed them and hoped that person would leave my door but the person kept knocking. I groaned and got up from my bed. I walked  to the living room and went to open the door. "Oh my! You are a mess." Sandy Barton said as she looked at me. What? What is she doing here? Wait! It is a Sunday. I am supposed to be at the studio recording some songs. Shit! Shit! "I-I..,I-
"I know you are sorry. Now please go and change. We only have fifteen minutes." She cut me off before I finished my apology. I rushed to my bathroom. It only took me ten minutes to shower and get dressed. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took a bottle of orange juice and we went to the studio.

"Aurora, what's wrong with you today?" Edmund, my music manager asked me. I looked at him and was about to say something then he said "I don't feel that fire in you. Please start from the top again. 1, 2, 3 and go." I started singing....

Nobody knows you better than me
Better than the cologne you wear
Every single detail chantilly
Every curl inside your hair.

And I am falling in, falling in the light
Anything you want to do
You and me, you and me intertwine.

Oh! I can be the queen of shadow
Every way you turn, I am chasing you
Tell you where to go, I'll follow
Everywhere you run, I'll stalk you.

I can be the dark, you can look right through me
In a flash of love we're just one body.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's the fire I was talking about in Aurora." Edmund told me when I finished singing. Sandy Barton looked at me with a wide grin plastered on her face and gave me a thumbs up. It was break time. So, I left the studio and went to a small cafe that was opposite the studio. On my way out Sandy Barton came to me and whispered  "Whatever you did last night please keep doing it. I love this new fire in you."

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