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"Oh my God! Aurora, is that really you?" Skylar asked as she approached me. "Yeah! It's me." I told her and she pulled me into a very tight hug. "I really missed you. Why did you leave without saying anything?" She asked me. I ended the hug and looked at her "I am sorry I left you Sky." I told her politely. She smiled at me and said "It's alright hey. I am glad you're back. We have so much to talk about." I smiled at her politely and her mum came and said to us "Girls dinner is served." We both went for dinner.

I am glad dinner went well. After dinner we went upstairs and we started talking about random things then I told Skylar "Tomorrow I am meeting Sandy Barton. She wants us to discuss some business." She looked at me with a smile plastered on her face and said "Wow! That's my girl. I am sure you're going to sign a record deal." "Hmm...not really. I think she wants to talk about something else." I told her. She just gave me a nod and said "We'll see."

"So, how's Douglas?" I asked her, trying to change the topic. She looked at me and blushed. " my best friend blushing?" I teased her. She smiled shyly and said "He is great!" "Wow! I am happy for you Sky." I honestly told her. "Thank you sweetie. How about you? Is there someone?" She asked me. "Nope! It's just me, myself and I." I told her with a smiley face. "What about Ryan?" She asked me. "No! No! There's nothing going on with me and him." I told her. "Okay! Okay! Woman relax." Skylar told me.

We went to sleep. The next day I woke up early to leave with Skylar. She was dropping me off at MetroMix. My appointment with Sandy Barton was at 8am sharp but I was there at 7:30. I get really nervous when I am about to meet people like Sandy Barton. Glancing at my watch it was 7:50. I took the elevator to the 14th floor. That's where her office was. Her PA welcomed me with a false grin. "'s Aurora right? Please have a seat and wait." She told me. I gave her a polite nod and sat. After a few minutes she said "You can go in. She is ready to meet you."

I stood up and entered Sandy Barton's office. It was the best office I have ever seen. "Oooh..Aurora, welcome! Please have a seat." Sandy welcomed me and I sat in an empty seat in front of her desk. "I am really happy that you came. I remember the last time we met at City Nights and I gave you my business card. Um, I really waited for your call but you never called." She told me. "Er..I am so sorry. I had a lot going on." I told her. "It's okay. I-I am so sorry about your mum's death." She said politely. "Um, thank you." I told her.

"Uh..okay. Let's get down to business." She told me after our short and sad conversation. I looked at her and said "Okay." "Um..let's talk about the Queent of Shadow. I believe it's your original song and it has hit 120million views on YouTube over six months." That's the last song I sang before my mum died. Wow! I was shocked.  I can't believe my song got all those viewers. "Yeah! I am shocked too. So..I wanna offer you a record deal." Sandy told me. "Really?" I asked her. ", you can go through this contract and if you're not satisfied with anything please let me know. After you sign it then we can straight start recording. Aurora, I promise I am gonna make you a Star." She told me after giving me some papers. I looked at them and a lot was written on them. It was too much. "Er..can I go read it at home?" I asked her. "Yeah! Yeah! Take your time and when you're done please bring the contract back." She told me. "Okay! Thank you very much." I told her.  "You are welcome. Don't hesitate to call me anytime." She said with a polite smile on her face. I left the office.

I planned to go to Skylar's coffee shop. I miss the iced caramel macchiato. I also wanted to sit and read the contract quietly. On my way to Skylar's I bumped into Ryan and a man who kept staring at me. Wait! I know this man. I saw him in a picture with my mum. "Aurora! You came back." Ryan said happily when he saw me. "Yeah, I am back." I told him. "Um, Aurora..this is my dad Tyler. Dad, this is Aurora. Uh...a friend." Ryan introduced us. Tyler extended his hand for me to shake it. "It's really nice to meet you. You're so beautiful just like her and...and you have her eyes." He told me. "Dad!" Ryan scolded his dad. Well, I think he is talking about my mum. "Nice to meet you too sir." I told him. "No! No! Please call me Tyler." He said. "I am so sorry about her death. I still can't believe she is gone. I didn't even get a chance to see her one last time." He told me sadly. "Dad! Dad! We need to go now." Ryan told his dad then he faced me and said "Um, I am sorry about my dad. I hope to see you around." "Yeah, see you around." I told him and they left.

What's really going on with Ryan's dad? It seems he was so close to my mum. I went to Skylar's and ordered myself an iced caramel macchiato. I took out the contract and started reading it. Well, it seemed fair to me. I had to record six songs and it was a 70/30 deal for me and MetroMix. I thank God all the record sessions will be over the weekend and it says in case of any traveling, MetroMix will be responsible for all the payments. I hope I am making the right decision. I took my pen and signed it.

I took my phone and called Skylar. "Hey Aurora. How did it go?" She asked me immediately after answering my call. "You were fucking right!" I told her. "What?" She asked. "I got a record deal!" I told her. I could hear her jumping. I hope she is not doing her happy dance inside her office. "Are you doing the happy dance?" I asked her. "Exactly my friend! Where are you?" She asked me. " the shop." I told her. "Okay, meet me at Rich Tables for lunch. My treat." She told me and hung up. I took an Uber to Rich Tables Restaurant and Skylar was there waiting for me. When she saw me she started screaming "My best friend is gonna be a star!" Everyone started staring at me. "Hey, shhh! Shhh!" I shushed her. "What? Stop shushing me. I am proud of you." She said.

The waiter came and took our orders. I ordered garlic butter skillet flank steak and virgin strawberry daiquiris and Skylar ordered Vietnamese chicken salad with sour cherry gin and tonic. "Sky! Are you going to drink in the middle of the day?" I asked her. She smiled at me and said "Who cares? I am celebrating you." After a while our food arrived and we started eating. "Wow! This is the best chicken salad ever." Skylar told me with her mouth full. "Yeah, this place has the best food." I told her. She stopped eating and looked at me. "What?" I asked her. "You came to this place?" She asked. " Uh..once with Ryan." I told her. "Wow! And there's nothing going on with you two." She said. I sighed and said "Yeah! Nothing is going on. It was just dinner."

"Okay! How's Jeffrey? I miss that cute boy." She suddenly asked me. "He is good. He got into Elite." I told her. "Wow! Your brother is so brainy." She told me. We kept eating and I told her "Sky, I am sorry I left without saying anything. I just wanted a new start." "Hey, it's okay love. I really understand. I am glad you're back and you have that fucking record deal! Please let's make a toast. To the record deal!" Skylar said. I looked at her and my eyes were filled with tears "To the record deal!" I said as we made a toast.

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