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"Ryan, what are you doing out here? It's time for your speech darling." I heard Eleanor saying behind us. Ryan turned and looked at his mum. "I told you I don't want to speak in front of those people." He told his mum angrily. "But dear, I thought we talked about this." Eleanor tried to convince him as she came close to us. "You didn't introduce me to your friend." She now stood in front of us. When our eyes met her facial expression changed. "What is this bitch doing in my house?" She asked Ryan. "Mum! Don't talk about Aurora like that!" Ryan barked. "I can talk to her however I want." She told him. "Mum! Can you behave yourself just for tonight? Please." Ryan begged her.

She looked at me angrily and said to Ryan "You don't know how she disrespected me in front of people!" Ryan looked at his mum and asked "How did she disrespect you?" "She smacked me Ryan!" She yelled. "Uh...maybe you deserved it." He shrugged. "How dare you say something like that to me?" Eleanor was now so angry. "Well, she can't smack you out of the blues. You must have provoked her." He told her. She yelled at me "Get out of my fucking house!" "I am not leaving. I got invited by Ryan and not you." I told her confidently. "I said get. out. of. my. house." She insisted. "Mum! You can't do that. I am the one who invited her." Ryan said. "Then leave with her!" She shouted.

"Why are you guys shouting? Eleanor are you out of your mind?" Suddenly Tyler came asking. "You know how important this event is to us and you want to ruin this night?" He was now asking Eleanor. "My night is already ruined by this social climber." She said while looking at me. "I am not a social climber!" I told her. "'s Scarlet's daughter. How are you?" Tyler asked as his attention was on me. "I am fine sir. Thanks for asking." I told him politely. "You look so beautiful. Uh...I am glad you attended this event. Please feel at home." Tyler said to me. Eleanor was so angry. She looked at her husband and Ryan then said "I don't know what got into you two. I am out of here!" She stormed off. "Er...excuse me. I have guests to attend to." Tyler excused himself and left.

"Wow! What an event!" Ryan said. "Thank you for sticking up for me to your mum and I am sorry for ruining your night." I gave him my apologetic look. "Hey, didn't ruin anything. That's how my mum can be." He told me. He held my hand and looked at me straight in my eyes. "This is my best night." He said with a grin and his face came close to mine until I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. His other hand held my face and turned it towards him. My heart started doing some somersaults. He leaned close until our faces touched then he brushed his lips on mine softly and that made me close my eyes. He kept doing that as if he was asking for me to open my mouth. When I opened my mouth he kissed me deeply. I could feel the goosebumps all over my body. His kiss gave me shivers down my spine. I liked how he smelled. It's like the mixture of after shave and his cologne. He tasted like home chocolate peppermint.

"What are we doing?" I breathed. His lips quivered with a smile. "What are we doing?" He replied, the unasked question clear in his voice. I leaned and kissed him. Storm searched my face for a moment. "Are that...okay?" "I don't know." I whispered honestly and kissed him again.
He broke the kiss and breathed then said with a smile "I like how you kiss me. You're the best kisser." I blushed and looked down. He lifted my face and pecked my lips. "It's getting cold. Let's get inside." He told me and we went in.

There was some soft music playing on and people were dancing. It was good. "Can you dance with me?" He suddenly asked me. "Uh...I can't really dance." I told him shyly. "It's okay. Me too I am not a good dancer but we can learn together." He told me with a wink. I smiled shyly and nodded my head as a yes. "Come, come sit on me." He instructed. I went and sat on him then he started moving his wheelchair according to the song playing. People kept staring at us but we didn't give a damn. "Wow! This is actually fun." I told him with a wide smile on my face. "Yeah! It's always fun with you." He said that and kissed me.

We danced for a long time. "I need to use the washroom." I told him. "Ooh...okay. Just go upstairs. It's on your left." He instructed me and I left. I went upstairs and turned on my left then entered the washroom. I peed and washed my hands, then left. As I was leaving I heard some noise coming from the room that was opposite the washroom. It's like someone was crying in pain. Omg! What if that person needs my help? I went close to the door and I heard people talking in the distance. It's like they were arguing about something then that person cried again. This time the cry was too loud. Should I open the door? This is getting creepy. I kept my hand on the door knob about to open the door. Suddenly the door opened and I met with Eleanor face to face.

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