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"Jeff, why did you speak to Ryan like that? That was so rude!" I told Jeffrey after we arrived at home. "It doesn't matter how I spoke to him. Aurora, that guy and his friends treated you like shit." He said angrily. "That was in the past. He has changed now." I told him. "Haha...changed? What do you know about changing Aurora?" He asked me sarcastically. "You don't know shit about that family." He said. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "You're getting involved with murders." He said bitterly.

"What! How can you say that? Are you sure about that?" I asked him. He shook his head and gave me this pity look. "Yes! I am sure about it." He said. "You're lying!" I shouted at him. "I am not Aurora! The day we left I witnessed Eleanor murdering someone!" He shouted back at me. I froze for a while and processed what Jeffrey told me. "No! No! That can't be true!" I told him.  "Okay! Don't believe me until you become the next to die." He said that and left.

"Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Where are you going?" I followed him and asked. "I am going to a place where someone believes me." He said that and banged the door behind him. Oh God! This can't be true. But I remember when growing up my mum used to say the Tyler's are involved in some shady business. The night was so long. I couldn't sleep well. I kept turning and turning until it was morning.

I woke up and went to Jeffrey's room but he wasn't there. He didn't come home last night. I hope wherever he is he is safe. I made myself a cup of coffee and took my phone to call Jeffrey. His phone went to voicemail. I sent him a voicemail asking him to come home. I took my laptop and started working, then sleep took me. Waking up it was almost midday. Last night Ryan asked me to go on a brunch date with him. I can't just ditch him because my brother told me he saw his mum killing someone. I showered and dressed up. I wore my brown animal print mix ruffle midi dress with my black heels and my small purse.

I am going for brunch with Ryan. I don't care about what Jeffrey told me. I will go on that brunch with him. So, I took an Uber to this fancy restaurant to meet Ryan and he was there waiting for me looking so good in his bottom up shirt and some khakis. " wow! You look beautiful in that dress." Ryan told me when I sat next to him. I blushed and looked at him shyly then said "Thank you. You don't look bad." He smiled and said "Thank you. Actually it's the first time you compliment me." I smiled politely.

The waiter gave us the menus and I ordered brunch bread, eggs, bacon and cheese with lemon strawberry mimosa and he ordered a hash brown breakfast casserole with strawberry iced tea. We eat our brunch in silence, enjoying the food. Suddenly Ryan said " know it would be great if you come back home. Skylar really misses you a lot and she will kill me if she knows I found you and I didn't bother telling her."

"Ryan, this place is my home. I have started afresh here. Moving again won't be that easy. You know." I told him. He sighed then said "I know but don't you miss Sky? You guys have been friends ever since you were kids. And I heard MetroMix offered to record songs for you. You have more opportunity there than here." "Were you stalking me?" I asked him. "No! Why?" He asked. "How did you know about MetroMix?" I questioned him. "Uh..our town is small and people talk." He said. Skylar! Skylar must have told him.

I exhaled then said "I really don't know Ryan. I am not sure if I can go back there. That place has a lot of memories and most of them are bad." He gave me this sad look and said "Alright. I don't wanna force you into anything." We finished our brunch and he paid then offered to walk me home. It wasn't that far from the restaurant. We reached home and Jeffrey was there.

"What is he doing in our home?" He asked me after seeing Ryan. "Jeff...he only offered to walk me home." I told him politely. "He can leave now!" Jeffrey said angrily. "Jeffrey!" I scolded him. "What?" He asked me. "Uh..I think I should go. It seems your brother really hates me." Ryan said sadly and started leaving. "No! Ryan, wait. Please...please forgive my brother." I begged him. He just gave me this sad face and left.

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled at Jeffrey. "After I told you everything you still went to see him. What is really going on with you two?" He shouted at me. "I went to see him because he asked me to go back home." I told him. He looked really shocked. "Home? Aren't you the one who dragged us here? And now you want to leave just because a crippled guy asked you to leave." He said. I found myself slapping him. He touched his face and said "Forget about me!". He left. I sat down and cried. It was the first time I slapped my brother. I didn't like how he called Ryan crippled. He didn't choose that, it was an accident that made him to be like that. As I was deep in my thoughts my phone rang and it brought me back to earth.

"Hello." I said as I picked up the call. "Hello Aurora. It's Sandy Barton from MetroMix. I would like to discuss some business with you. When can you come to my office?"

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