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I was so worried about my brother. I hope nothing bad has happened to him. Why did I agree to come to the club? If only I could go home after the dinner, maybe nothing bad would have happened to my baby brother. A bunch of people walked out of the club. They kept chattering and it was too noisy. Suddenly Theodore ran away. I wanted to go home. My phone! Shit! I left it with Skylar. I need to look for her. I went back to the club but I couldn't find them. It's like many people were leaving the club. Where are they? I know they can't leave without me. I tried checking at the VIP area but there was no one. I decided to go back outside then I saw Skylar. I think she was looking for me too.

"Skylar! Skylar! Skylar!" I yelled her name so she could see where I was. Thank God she turned and she was able to spot me. I followed her. "Girl, where were you? We looked all over for you." She asked when I approached her. I breathed heavily and said "I was outside. I tried looking for you too." " Thank God! You're okay. Let's go." She said while holding me as we started walking. "Sky I need to get home ASAP! I need to check on Jeffrey." I told her. "Why? Is everything okay?" She asked me worried. "I don't know." I told her with tears in my eyes. The guys brought the car and we left.

"Baby where were you?" Ryan asked me when I got in the car. "I...I was outside." I told him. "Ooh, okay. You got me worried. I thought something bad happened to you." He told me with a concerned voice. "I am fine. I just need to go home and see Jeffrey."  I told them. After 15 minutes we arrived at my house. Just when the car was parked I got out and rushed into my house. "Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Jeffrey!" I called him while trying to check in the living room and kitchen. He suddenly came out of his room. "Hey what's with the yelling?" He asked me annoyed. "Oh My God! Are you alright? Did anything happen to you?" I rushed to him and tried looking for any injuries on his body. He looked so confused. "Aurora! Calm down. I am fine and nothing has happened to me." He told me and I calmed down. I could breathe again. "You just ended my FaceTime with Crystal." He said angrily and went back to his room.

Skylar, Ryan and Douglas came in. "Baby is everything okay?" Ryan asked me. "Yeah, everything is okay." I told him and sat on the couch. My feet hurt so much. I removed the heels and stretched my toes. "Is Jeffrey alright?" Skylar asked me politely. I looked at her and said "Yeah, he is fine." Ryan sighed and asked "What's really going on?" I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. "Nothing. It's just me being paranoid." I told him. He came close to me and held my hand. "I am sorry my love. You need to get some rest." He said. "Yes, I need to get some rest." I agreed with him. "Um...I think we're gonna go. Have a good night and thank you for the double date. We should do it again." Douglas said. "Thank you too. I had a great time. Good night." I told him. Skylar came and hugged me then they left.

Ryan ran me a bubble bath and made sure I was relaxed then I went to bed. He waited until I was asleep then he left. The next day I woke up to loud music. "Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Please turn that thing off before I come!" I shouted at him but the music kept playing. I groaned and got out of bed. I went to his room and opened the door. When he saw me he turned off the music. "I need to sleep. Stop playing music so loud." I told him and turned to walk out of his room. "Ooh..I am sorry. I didn't know it was that loud." He apologized and I gave him a weird look that made him raise his hands as a sign of surrendering.

I threw myself in bed and tried to sleep but I could. I started thinking of Theodore. Why was he covered in blood? Whose blood is that? What is he really up to? Many questions crossed my mind and I didn't have answers to any of them. My phone chimed. I took it under my pillow. Ryan had texted me to see how I was doing. I just smiled at seeing his text. This guy is really sweet. I decided to call him. His phone rang twice and he picked up. "Hey beautiful." He sounded so sexy. "Hey babe. How's your morning?" I asked him. " morning is beautiful just like you." He said. I smiled. "Why don't you meet me for breakfast." He asked. "Er...Let's make it lunch. I have an appointment with Sandy Barton. After that I will be free." I told him. "Okay. It's lunch then. I'll see you soon." He said. "See you soon." I told him and hanged up.

I showered and dressed up for the appointment. Jeffrey said he was meeting an old friend. Well, the meeting didn't take that much time. It was so brief. She only told me I can begin my tours anytime soon. So, I called Ryan and told him I was free. We met at Rich Tables. Our food came and we ate. "My love, I told my parents about you and now my dad wants to meet you officially." Suddenly Ryan told me while chewing his steak. I took a deep breath and said "You know I can't come to your house. Your mum hates me."

Speaking of the devil. Just then I saw Eleanor walking in the restaurant with a woman. I think it's her friend or maybe her client. She turned to where we were sitting and our eyes met. She whispered something to the woman she came with then started walking to us. "Ooh, hey baby." She kissed Ryan's cheek when she came to our table. Ryan's mood changed completely. "Mum, what are you doing here?" He asked her with a serious tone. "Uh...I am having a lunch date with one of my clients and I saw you two. I decided to come say hi. It's so lovely to see you guys." She said with a false smile. She looked at me and said "Hey Aurora, I see you are enjoying my son's money." "Eleanor, good afternoon to you too." I told her with a sarcastic smile and she didn't like it.

She sighed and said "Let me leave you kids to enjoy your little date." She started leaving but then stopped and turned her attention to me and said "Darling those shoes don't match with that dress. By the way....I can't wait to see you for dinner tomorrow night." She smiled falsely and left us. "Aurora, don't listen to anything my mum says. The shoes and the dress are perfect. You're perfect!" Ryan told me when his mother left. I looked at him and smiled politely. We kept eating our food. "Um...I am not sure if I can come to your house." I told him frankly. He looked at him sadly but then his eyes shone with excitement. "I have an idea! Why don't you come with Jeffrey?" He asked. "I don't think that's a great idea." I told him. "Please, please." He begged me. I just smiled at him and said "I will ask him. I hope he won't say no." We finished our food and I went home.

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