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It has been three weeks since I took back the contract to Sandy Barton and I have started doing some recording. I have never been into a studio before. It is a wonderful experience and I am loving all the recording sessions. I was able to get my own apartment. It is not big but it's cozy enough. I left a bunch of emails to Jeffrey but he never replied to any of them and that breaks my heart.

I took out my phone and tried calling him. Surprisingly he picked up. "Hey Aurora." He greeted me. "Hey Jeff. How have you been? I really missed you." I told him. "Er..I have been good." He said. "That's great! You never replied to my emails." I told him sadly. "Uh..I am so sorry Aurora. I had exams." He said. Thank God! I thought he was still giving me the silent treatment. "Ooh..I believe the exams were good. Right?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. Then we both stayed silent. He sighed then said "Um, I need to go for practice...and congratulations on your record deal." He told me that and hung up. Wow! So he read my emails.

After talking to my brother I felt at peace. I was supposed to meet Skylar for brunch. So I showered and dressed up then left. Guess who I bumped into? Eleanor Tyler. "You! I see you're back. Welcome my dearest." She told me ridiculously with a false smile. "Eleanor I am sorry I bumped into you." I told her politely. She looked at me and said bitterly "The death of your mother made him come back. Now he can't concentrate on any business. All he does is cry all day like a bitch."

What is she talking about? "What are you talking about?" I asked her. " don't know? Your mother never told you?" She asked me and I nodded my head as a sign of no. "Well, your poor dead mother stole my husband from me." She told me. "No way! I don't believe you!" I told her harshly. "Believe me or not. Your mother was a thief and a whore!" She shouted. I didn't hesitate to smack her on her face. "Bitch! How dare you slap me?" She asked me as she was about to attack me.

Suddenly Skylar came to us. "What's going on here?" She asked both of us. "Your good for nothing friend smacked me." She said angrily. Skylar looked at me and smiled. I am sure that smile meant congratulations for slapping this bitch. I looked Eleanor straight in the face and said "Don't you ever speak ill of my mum!" After saying that I left with Skylar. "Girl, that was the best scene ever! I love you." Skylar told me as we entered the coffee shop.

We ordered our food and Skylar asked me "What really happened out there?" I took a sip of my orange juice and said "Well, I accidentally bumped into Eleanor and she started complaining that my mum's death made her husband come back and now he can't concentrate on his businesses because he keeps crying over my mum. Also she said something about my mum stealing her husband from her."  "Wow! I don't know what to say." She told me. "I know. Um, when we were moving I found a picture of my mum with Tyler." I told her. " you think there was something going on between them?" She asked me. "Er..I have no idea." I told her and we kept eating. Then Skylar got a call from her client, she is a social worker. So, she left in a hurry and I was alone.

I took my small notebook and started writing some lyrics that kept crossing my mind.

Baby I try but I can't unlove you
You know you got your hooks in my soul
Feels like i'm dying slowly because you
And your love will never let me go....

"Should I stay tuned for the new song?" Suddenly a voice asked me. Lifting my head up I found Ryan looking so handsome on his wheelchair. "Ooh...hi Ryan." I said to him. He gave me his signature smile and said "Hello Aurora. It's so good to see you again." I smiled at him politely. The waiter came and took his order. He ordered a cup of latte with a croissant. I tried not to watch him while he ate but I couldn't do it. "I see you're watching me." He suddenly told me with a smirk. "Um..I-I wasn't watching you." I lied. He just smiled and kept eating.

"So, how have you been?" He asked me. "I-I have been great. Thanks for asking." I told him politely. "Congratulations on your record deal. I am glad you're back home." He told me. The way he said home. He made me feel that this place is my home. "Thank you." I said with a smile. He finished eating. I thought he was leaving but he didn't. He even pulled his chair close. "How's your brother?" He asked. "Uh...he is good. He started college." I told him with a wide grin that showed how proud I am of my brother. "Monarch?" He asked me. "Nope! Elite." I told him. He seemed amazed. "Wow! Your brother must be brainy." He said. I smiled.

We kept talking for hours. He told me about his new App that he is about to launch. Whenever he talked about his App his smile became brighter. "Hey, um...would you like to go somewhere with me?" He suddenly asked me politely after we stayed silent for a while. "Uh...okay." I told him and we left the shop. We went to where his car was parked and he drove us out of town. "Where are we going exactly?" I asked him. He smiled and said "I have noticed you're not patient." That's so true. I am not patient and I hate surprises.

After one hour and half we arrived at the placed. At the main gate it was written MEDWIN CARES. Is this a hospital? What the hell are we doing in a hospital? We entered the gate and he parked the car then we went to the reception area. A young nurse welcomed us with a beautiful smile on her face. "Good evening Mr. Tyler. You're welcome." She greeted him. I cleared my throat then asked "Ryan what are we doing in a hospital?" "I-I want you to meet someone." He told me. The nurse walked us to the private wing and we stopped at room 195. "We are here sir. Excuse me." The nurse said that and excused herself. It was now me and Ryan.

He opened the door and we walked in the room. I saw a girl about 15 or 16 years old sitting on a bed with a very sad face. "Hey Barbie! Guess who is here?" Suddenly Ryan asked her. When she saw him her face lightened up and she ran to him and they hugged. She looked really happy compared to how we found her. "I-I t-thought y-you...I thought you..w-were not c-coming." She struggled to talk. "I am here and I came with someone." He told her then the girl looked at me. She came close to me and touched my hair then started laughing. She kept touching it and smelling it then she smiled. The smile was so innocent and genuine.

"Aurora met my sister Barbara. Well, she was born with Down syndrome. So, my parents thought it was best for her to stay here. I always visit her every month and today I thought you should meet her. Um...once you get to know her she is such a sweet girl." He told me. Suddenly I held his hand and said " I am so glad to meet her." He smiled at me. "Barbara meet Aurora." Ryan introduces me to his sister. She smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. "H-hi A-Aurora." She stammered. "Hey Barbara. I am happy to see you." I told her and she jumped up with excitement. "Well, she loves watching tv, singing and fashion." Ryan told me.

Barbara made us watch Frozen 2 with her and we sang all the songs with her. Now I know how Ryan got to know all the songs from Frozen. After watching Frozen Barbara asked me to go with her to the cafeteria to get some ice cream. She kept holding my hand all the way until we got back to her room. "Are you enjoying the ice cream?" Ryan asked her. She laughed then nodded her head as a sign of yes. We all laughed. "P-Pretty. A-Aurora so P-pretty." She said. "Aww thank you sweetie." I hugged her and it was the best hug ever.

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