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My phone rang and Skylar was calling. "Hey Sky." I said after answering the phone. "Hey girl. I am coming to your house. I know you're hungry. What should I bring you?" She asked. Wow! My best friend is so caring. I love this woman. "Uh....bring me pepper lunch steak and rice sizzle." I told her. "Girl! What's with you and steak?" She asked me. "I don't know. Um...there's this saying: Be kind, choose love, smile often and eat steak. I guess it's the one that motivates me to eat steak." I said with a chuckle. "Ha ha...very funny. I will be there in twenty." She said that and hung up.

Twenty minutes later she was at my door. "Hey! Come in." I told her. She walked in and said "Here is your food." I opened it and my whole house smelled so good. " this is the steak I want." I said as I ate some of my steak. Sky looked at me and shook her head. We ate and talked about a lot of things. "Aurora, that night at Tyler's I think I saw something." She suddenly told me. "Uh...what did you really see?" I asked her. "Well, I was too wasted but I think I saw Eleanor's bodyguards carrying a body." She told me and I breathed shakily. "Are you sure Sky?" I asked her. "Yeah! I am sure. Anyway I heard that the family is into some shady business. I won't be surprised to hear they kill people for a living." She told me. "Sky! You can't say such things." I scolded her. She looked at me and smiled.

"So,why did you leave so early?" She asked me. "Er...what are you talking about?" I asked, pretending not to understand what she asked. "At the party. Why did you leave early?" She asked again. "Um...I-I was tired! Yeah, I was so tired." I lied to her. "Hmm...I feel like there's something more that made you leave." She said and I gave her a shaky grin. "Ryan kissed me. At the party...he kissed me." I told her I was trying to change the topic. " was it?" She asked me and waited eagerly for my answer. " was okay." I told her. "Okay? Just Okay?" She asked. "No! No! It was magical!" I told her. "Aww, my best friend is in love." She said and I smiled. Was I really in love with Ryan?

"Enough about me. How is Douglas? I don't see him much these days." I told her. "Uh, he is good. He actually got a job in the next town as a software engineer. So, he only comes here on weekends." She said. "Ohh, that's wonderful." I told her with a smile. "Can we watch a movie on Netflix?" She asked me. "Yeah! What do you wanna watch?" I asked her while turning on the TV. "Um, let's watch Ratched. I heard it's a good series." She told me. After few minutes we started watching. Well, it was kinda creepy for me but I wanted to keep watching more. We watched like five episodes and I glanced at my phone.

"Shoot! Shoot! I forgot!" I said when I remembered I am supposed to have a date with Ryan tonight. "What? Are you alright?" Sky asked me with a panicked face. "Yeah! Yeah! I am good. I need your help." I told her. She looked at me and asked "What can I help?" "Um...I have a date with Ryan tonight and I don't know what to wear. Please help me." I begged her. She exhaled and said "I can do that. Let's go to your room." We went to my room and I took a quick shower then Sky helped me pick a dress for the date. I wore a black strappy satin cowl midi dress with black heels and my hair was tied up in a ponytail. I wore it with my favorite silver earrings.

"Woman, you look stunning! If I was Ryan I could just ask you to marry me." She said with a wide smile on her face. I just chuckled at her joke. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I looked at Skylar and she said "That must be your Prince Charming." She rushed to go and open the door. I walked out my room and I heard a distant chatter between them. I wonder what Skylar is telling him. I approached them and Ryan froze when he saw me. "Wow! Aurora, you look delightful in that dress." He told me and I smiled shyly. "T-Thank you." I told him politely. "You guys should go now." Skylar said to us and we both laughed.

We walked to a limousine that was parked in front of my house. A chauffeur came and opened the door for me and then Ryan. Wow! It was my first time in a limousine. The car started and we left my house. Ryan kept staring at me all the way. I was a bit uncomfortable. He took me to Super Sogbu. It is close to Rich Tables. The waiter welcomed us and gave us the menus. I hate choosing what to eat. So, Ryan ordered for the two of us. "Garlic butter baked salmon for two please and Bourgogne Chardonnay Cuvée Cassaneas 2017." He told the waiter when he came for our orders. "Thank you." I told him with a polite smile when he looked at me. "Thank you for what?" He asked, confused. "Uh...for ordering the food." I told him. He smiled and said with a wink "anytime." Our food came and we started eating. It was so delicious. We talked while the soft music played. Everything was perfect and Ryan was perfect.

After our date Ryan took me to a Karaoke bar that was close. I sang all my best songs and people actually cheered for me which was good. Ryan sang too but to be honest he isn't a good singer. He kept singing thinking he was impressing me but honestly he wasn't. I just cheered for him because I didn't want to burst his bubble. We sang, laughed and really had a great time. Suddenly Skylar called me. I am sure she wanted to know how the date was going. "Hey girlie." I said when I answered her call. All I could hear from her was shaking breaths. "Sky, are you alright?" I asked her but there was silence. "Sky you're freaking me out are you okay?" I asked again but there was no reply. Oh God! I am now freaking out. Ryan came to me "Baby are you alright?" He asked. "No! I-I think something is wrong with Sky. I-I need to go home right now." I told him shakily. "Okay! Calm down." He said. " I can't calm down! My best friend is in trouble." I yelled at him as I started running out of the bar. He followed me outside. "Aurora, wait!" He said. It was too late. I took a cab and went home.

At home my door was open. That really creeped me off. I always walk with pepper spray. So, I took it out of my purse and got inside the house just in case anything. I walked slowly trying not to make any kind of noise. The living room and the kitchen were clear. I walked to my bedroom and the door was closed. My heart started beating so fast. Honestly I was beyond terrified. I opened the door slowly and found Skylar laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

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