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Hey Jeffrey. How have you been?" I asked him when I got home. "Hey...I am fine. Hmm...looking beautiful." He told me after looking at me. I smiled at him politely and sat next to him. "Um...can I ask you something?" I asked him. "Yeah, shoot." He said as he opened his bag of chips. I sighed and asked "Can you go to dinner with me at the Tylers tomorrow night?" He stopped chewing his chips and looked at me. "Why?" He asked. "Er...I think we should get to know them." I told him. He shook his head and said "Aurora, those people are murderers and you want to know them? It's unbelievable!" I exhaled deeply and said "It's only dinner Jeff. After that we will come back home." "I don't know Aurora. I don't know." He said that and turned on the TV.

We watched a movie and later on Jeffrey ordered Pizza for dinner. I kept thinking about tomorrow's dinner with the Tylers. I don't know. It's kind of creeping me out. I plugged in my earphones and listened to my favorite podcast until sleep took me. The next day I woke up and made pancakes for breakfast.

"Morning sis. Hmm...smells good here." Jeffrey said when he walked in the kitchen. "Good morning to you too. Breakfast will be served soon." I told him as he sat waiting for me to finish making pancakes. We ate and I really enjoyed our simple breakfast. "You know I wish she could be here with us." Suddenly Jeffrey said. I knew he was talking about mum. I miss her too every single day. "Me too sweetie." I told him. We finished our breakfast and Jeffrey washed the dishes. I had a meeting with my manager. He got me a gig at a new club that opened recently. I couldn't wait to perform there.

After my meeting I decided to get a dress for tonight's dinner. I went to the mall and I met with my fans. I didn't know I had many fans. They made me sign autographs and we took pictures together. It was really a good experience for me.

At home I found Jeffrey playing some video games. "We are going to that dinner. Right?" I asked him. He sighed and said "I can't let you go alone in that house. I will go with you. To protect you." I smiled at him and said " Aww...that's really sweet of you Jeff. Nothing's gonna happen to me. C'mon now. Let's get ready." I went to my room and prepared for dinner. I wore my off shoulder black dress with my pink heels.

"Jeff! I am done. Hurry up. We're gonna be late." I shouted from the living room. Jeffrey can take ages to dress up especially when we are going out. Several minutes later he came looking good in his draft buttoned shirt and a pair of black slacks. "Can we go?" I asked him. Our Uber was waiting outside. We left our home. After half an hour we arrived at the Tylers. "Wow! This house is so big." Jeffrey said when we dropped out of the car. "Yeah it is." I told him and we walked to the door. Mildred welcomed us in. "Thank you." I told her politely after she took my coat off. She showed us to the living room and left.

Suddenly I saw Theodore and Eleanor coming from upstairs. He was shocked to see me just like how I was shocked to see him. He gave me this weird smile and said "Aurora, you look astonishing." I stared at him as he walked out of the house. Eleanor came to us and said "Ooh...Aurora I didn't know you were bringing your brother. It's good to finally meet him face to face. Please feel at home." She smiled sarcastically. Her smile gave me chills already. Ryan came and greeted us. He was surprised to see Jeffrey with me. After a while Tyler joined us too and we went for dinner.

"Aurora, I am glad you and your brother joined us for dinner tonight." Tyler said to me. I just smiled at him politely. Ryan kept holding my hand under the table. "So, Aurora. You only do music. No other job?" Eleanor asked me. I took a deep breath and said "Yeah." "Hmm...I see. So, if it happens you and Ryan get married which I will never allow. It means you'll be depending on him with everything. I mean you can't expect music to give you money." She told me. "Mum! Stop that! Let's have this dinner in peace." Ryan told his mum furiously. "No! I mean I want to know what her intentions are for you." She said defensively. "You can't even say her name. Unbelievable!" Ryan shouted.

"Guys! Guys! You're talking about me like I am not here. Eleanor, I love your son. My intentions for him are to make him happy and support him in any way I can. I am not after your son's money or anything. Whatever I have is enough for me." I said that and then took a sip of my wine. Eleanor gave me this weird look and smiled falsely. "Jeffrey, please pass me the potato salad." She said to Jeffrey. Jeffrey looked at me then gave her the salad. We kept eating in silence.

"Aurora, you're such a great singer. I am sure your mum is so proud of you wherever she is." Tyler told me with a smile. I smiled at him politely then suddenly Jeffrey banged the table and said angrily "Stop talking about my mum! You don't know anything about her." Tyler looked at Jeffrey and smiled then said politely "I know her more than you do." Eleanor was now boiling with anger. "Enough!" She shouted. Everyone kept quiet and continued eating. This was the longest dinner ever. After dessert was served. Jeffrey kept texting me we should go back home. I wanted to leave too but Tyler kept talking and asking me questions. "Um, excuse me. I am going to the washroom." I excused myself and left.

I went upstairs. I remember where the washroom was. I entered and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked tired. I just wanted to rest and get ready for tomorrow's gig. I peed and went on the sink to wash my hands. I was busy washing my hands then Suddenly when I looked in the mirror I saw Theodore looking at me with a smile plastered on his face. I gasped in horror at the sight of him. "Theodore...what are you doing here?" I asked him, shaking. He came close to me and said "I came to see you Angel. You look stunning in that dress." I was now beyond terrified. He came and stood behind me. He buried his face in my neck and smelled me. "Hmm...lavender is my favorite." He said. He then turned to face me. I closed my eyes in terror. "Open your eyes for me baby." He begged me and I slowly opened them. He smirked at me and brought his face down to mine.

"P-Please...please don't hurt me." I begged him with tears in my eyes. "No! No, no I will never hurt you Aurora." He said. "I...I heard you downstairs. You said you love him. Is it true?" He asked. I breathed shakily and nodded my head as a yes. He suddenly changed his mood and became so angry. "You can't love him! He used to call you names. He is not good for you!" He told me. "P-People...people change." I told him. He laughed and said "I have changed too. I am not that stupid nerd anymore. I did all this for you but you love that crippled boy!" His hand was now on my neck. When he lifted his hand I saw a smiley face tattoo. Omg! He is the guy who tried to murder Skylar.  He started choking me.  I cried, tried pulling his hand away from my neck but he was too strong. I cried knowing tonight is the end of me. I started gasping for air and looked in his eyes. He never showed me any mercy. My eyes closed and I couldn't fight for air anymore. Suddenly the door burst open and I heard a gunshot.

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